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Re: Pinto's True Calling

To: <>
Subject: Re: Pinto's True Calling
From: "Racer---X" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 18:19:54 -0500
Ok, I've tried (really) to keep quiet on this one, being the resident (and
only?) circle track racer on the list. The TRUE calling of the Pinto is on
the roundy-round tracks. THe class I race in is called Mini-Stock, and is
for 4cylinder cars such as the Pinto. The rules are similar all across the
country, and on weekend nights, you can see around 10-30 of these pathetic
cars on the track trying (usually) not to run into each other. As it would
turn out, the Pinto and now Mustang 4cyl. cars are the ones to beat. Funny
thing tho, most around this part of the country have not rusted out yet,
though many seem to look sorta burned at the rear.

        Michael Karp
   NOT driving a pinto

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