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Re: course design

To: <>
Subject: Re: course design
From: "Jamie Sculerati" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 17:55:26 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: <>

>Course designers should take note to make courses that are not visually
>confusing.  I've seen a few designs where even the best drivers have
>difficulty due to visual course design problems.

There's really a pretty simple fix to this:  the next gate/box/slalom/wall
of death or other significant course feature should be within the driver's
field of view along the (course-intended) direction of travel when exiting
the preceeding gate.  Say no more than a 15 or 20 degree offset.  This makes
the *course* easy to follow, and drivers can concentrate on figuring out the
fast line rather than figuring out which of those gates visible through the
left window is the correct one this time around.  Looking two or three
features ahead shouldn't mean looking south while driving north to the next

This rule of thumb doesn't preclude complex courses -- quite the contrary!
It also doesn't prevent reuse of key course features during a run.  It does
prevent event results showing multiple drivers with two and three off-course
runs -- which is a fine indicator of a poorly-designed course.

'92 Prelude Si
Speed Demon Racing

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