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Re: Meridian stories (don't read this Joe!)

To: "Mari L. Clements" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Meridian stories (don't read this Joe!)
From: "Joe Goeke" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 14:27:54 -0800
>For those of you who couldn't be there (and you missed a wonderful
>event--more below), a certain Team Butt Heat member who'll we'll just call
>BFJoe had an interesting weekend.  You already know he won PAX top prize of
>a Craftsman tool box that it took a couple of people to carry.  But that's
>the least of the story!  First, he was spotted (but sadly not photographed)
>driving a Neon all decked out with *Kumho* tires and stickers.  Then, he
>heard enthusing about their performance!  Finally (along with his other
>prizes of the weekend), he won a *Kumho* jacket--and immediately put it
>on!!!!  Maybe rooming with Kumho Sam wore off?

I cannot confirm or deny these slanderaous accuasations, but I can say I
didn't inhale ;-).  I'm convinced the drawing for the Kumho coat was rigged,
and I think it must have been Sammy who was behind that ;-).  That must have
been an imposter wearing the latest Huck & CHuck product "Clone a driver",
who accepted the coat and proceeded to wear it ;-).  I must say that Kumho
continues to show up and sponsor our sport with great prizes and support, at
least at this NT and the Seattle one last year.  ...It's just a good thing
there arn't any negatives that I would have to pay mightly for ;-).

BFJoe Imposter

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