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Re: Anyone Take Pictures at SUNI IV?

Subject: Re: Anyone Take Pictures at SUNI IV?
From: sosnaenergyconsulting <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 17:05:44 -0700
You may be right.  The problem with e-mail is that I couldn't see Tom's 
face or hear his voice. He didn't qualify his e-mail remarks by saying 
'hey, just kidding'--so I responded to what looked like a slam.  From 
what I've seen both on and off the list, I'm not the only one who was 
rubbed the wrong way.

If it was intended as a joke, then I overreacted and I owe Tom an 
on-list apology.

Again, my thanks to Arden for his photos and to those who've sent me 
pictures off-list.  I am truly appreciative of seeing them and the 
photos reaffirm what I knew in advance: I missed a heck of a gathering.  
It looks like the folks that went to SUNI had a fantastic experience and 
I congratulate all of  them.

Best Regards
David Sosna wrote:

>guys, I think it was a joke and a hint that next month's Tiger Tracks is 
>going to feature some SUNI coverage...
>Mike Wood

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