Copied from original post......more added.
I hate to bring the subject up. I know you guys have discussed it many times
I want to take a poll of those that are familiar with using an aluminum
If you have an opinion please let me know.
I am finishing up my engine/transmission assembly and I
am ready to bolt up a new clutch.
The engine and car are factory original and will always be that way. My only
interest is eliminating some of the inherent inertia characteristics of the
large amount of flywheel mass of this engine. Slow windup and float of the
RPM's during a rapid shift. This car is mainly for show but I would like to
work on this issue. The price is not great concern for this decision.
Before I pay to resurface the stock flywheel, is the
aluminum good, bad or worth the money at all?
1976 White
CF 55032 U
Triumph Owners
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