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Roger asks for help!

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Roger asks for help!
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 11:55:42 -0700
 List----I found this message when returning from a trip to the East
coast. I gave Roger (author of several "How to Restore...."  my
thoughts, but he asks for help from the Listers, so add your own
directly to him, if you wish.

From: roger.williams@tiscali.fr(Roger Williams) 

Date: Wed, Jun 22, 2005, 12:23pm (PDT+9) To: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally
or Dick Taylor) Hello Dick - Hope all well with you & yours & that your
'6 is going well. 

It is a very long time since I troubled you but, this summer, I have a
Californian-like problem with our '6 & thought you & your local Six-Pack
colleagues were just the people to seek advice from! As I think I told
you, we moved to France about three years ago & what with the time taken
up in the move & getting the house ship-shape I have not used the '6 in
the France's 90-100degree temperatures before - although I'm sure she
was used to these sort of temps when in California. However I expect the
fuel in those days was rather different but with today's French fuel she
is with suffering fuel vaporisation & I'm not sure where is the most
vulnerable/likely area causing the problem. 
I've altered the route of the fuel pipe to the pump & improved things no
end but even so she'll run beautifully for the first 25/30 minutes &
then die. Five minutes with the bonnet up in the shade of a tree & she
starts first time & off we go ..... for maybe a couple, maybe 5 miles. 
I am routing all the incoming frontal area air through the radiator via
the standard carb card baffle & suffer no engine overheating.  
However I'm getting no cold air into the engine bay as it is all coming
through the rad & this maybe offers a potential solution to one problem
but could increase the engine temperature!! 
She is running on carbs (twin SU) which could be one cause of the
problem but I think this unlikely because she dies on all cylinders
simultaneously whereas, were the vaporisation in the carbs, I would
expect it to run on three cylinders for at least a few seconds before
I am still running with the original "round the cylinder head" steel
pipe from pump to front carb which has to be one area for suspicion. Its
an easy job to replace or re-route this pipe too but before I started I
thought I'd get your group's advice as to best route, pipe material,
lagging etc ........ always assuming this is thought to be the most
likely cause of the problem. 
My current favourite is the mechanical fuel pump ....... strapped to the
side of the block as it is. I could go electric but would prefer not to
do so until assured that the mechanical pump is indeed the most likely
cause & that there is no other solution such as a heat barrier between
pump & block ...... or maybe a small hole in the card rad duct on the
pump side of the car. 
All suggestions welcomed & very much appreciated.from you "hot climate"
Best Regards, Roger 

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