For anyone who might be interested in watching someone get
in way over their head I've updated my TR6 blog with
tonights activities as I peeled back a layer to investigate
the rust in my seams.
Its not as bad as it could be but I'm taking opinions on the
proper course of action for some of these problem areas. Of
course, as everyone already knows, its not looking good, it
never does with Triumph :)
B-Pillar has some localized bad spots, B-pillar/sill joint
may have trouble. Rear fender may have trouble as well.
Everything else looks 'treatable' in place but the others I
mentioned may be candidates for replacement rather then
One thing I will say, its tempting to pull the tub and send
it in, if for no other reason then to get that darn
undercoating off... I do not relish the thought of sitting
on my garage floor with a heat gun attempting to remove it.
Rather just send the tub to the blasters. Plus it looks like
it would be fun.
Best pic of the night is this one, rust under the rear TR6
fender sticker. How ironic! :)