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Re: Dings on daily drivers

To: "Paula J. Graffam" <pjgraffam@juno.com>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Dings on daily drivers
From: "Charlie" <chadstew@texas.net>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 22:00:46 -0600
A couple of years ago, my wife had a Miata that received a fair amount of
hail damage.  We took it to the Miata dealer where we bought the car from.
After one day we got a call from them saying the car was ready!  After
meeting the guy that did the work and talking cars (he's a British car
fan)... he offered to remove several door dings for free.  He had this
bright light on wheels that had swivels to move the light in any direction
and a small seat with wheels so he could get a birds eye view of the dent...
he then drilled a small hole in the door jam and slid a long rod that had a
metal curve on the end... he would then gently "massage" the dent out in a
matter of minutes.  He had several of these rods... different size curves
for different size dents.  After this, he placed a rubber grommet in the
hole he drilled...  I was shocked as to how perfect the doors looked.  I
hate door dings as much as anyone, but it can be fixed very easily and it's

Lifes to short for a door ding,

Charlie Stewart
'71 TR-6
'53 Austin-Healey BN1

> Listers,for the insurance repair job
> After a new paint job last year, I acquired two dings on my otherwise
> perfect body.  Here's my theory . . . don't get it fixed!  If I do I'll
> be driving with high anxiety wondering if and when it's going to happen
> again.  Drive as is and I'll enjoy the road better.  Anyone share this
> scenario?
> Al Graffam  CT  74TR6
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