Where did you see the TR6 application offered at a
discount? A couple of months ago, I inquired to the
manufacturer about one for my TR6 and they said they
would custom make one for me (but at full price).
Just Wondering....
Hugh Barber
'73 TR6
Hollister, CA
On Thu, 12 September 2002, "Kai M. Radicke" wrote:
> Undoubtedly anyone seriously active or interested in
> British sports car
> racing has seen these Phantom Grip LSD units being
> advertised lately with
> greater and greater penetration into magazines and
> now known suppliers
> of quality racing components are beginning to stock
> them. For those that
> haven't seen them yet:
> <a
> A Phantom Grip LSD conversion for your TR6 is listed
> $349 from the
> manufacturer, and I've seen them as low as $296 from
> distributors. So if no
> one has used one yet, who is going to be the bold
> guinea pig who tries one
> first? (or have I just volunteered myself)
> Kai