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Re: Engine Rebuild

To: ythouse@netrover.com, 6 Pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Engine Rebuild
From: KTnKT <ktnkt@cape.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 23:05:51 -0400
�Hi Steve, you may want to try British Parts Northwest and inquire about
their engine rebuild kits. This can save in the vacinity of 30% over
individual parts ordering. In my case I needed pretty much everything,
so it came in quite handy. NFI, and I have found them extremely pleasant
to deal with, even when putting up with my thousands of questions, due
to my being an amateur at this sort of thing. Well worth a phone call.
Just my opinion, of course. They're at� www.bpnorthwest.com
�have a nice evening,
���� Kevin Thompson
���� 76 TR6 a bolt at a time

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