Good lord no!! That kind of compression ratio will make short order of
your cast aluminum pistons. Detonation will kill them quickly. You'd
have to run very high octane gas (probably 100+) and retard the
ignition quite a bit. Even then I doubt the pistons would survive, you
need forged aluminum pistons for such a hihg compression ratio. No
good for a street engine. You want to stay under 10:1 for the street,
and even that may be pushing it. I have 9.5 on mine, ignition at 10
BTDC and no vacuum advance at all, 93 octane gas, stock pistons.
Tim Holbrook
1971 TR6
--- bob whitehead <> wrote:
> this is question for any techie tubies out there.
> i have recently posted regarding oil in the cooling system. I happen
> to
> have a spare
> cylinder head.It is a triumph tune stage 2 head.
> An engineers report on the head states the following;-
> combustion chamber as measured : 33.5 cc ( standard 43.3cc)
> giving a compression ratio of 12.3 - 1 (standard 9.5 - 1)
> this assumes a bore and stroke of 74.7 & 95 mm.
> My question is, will a head of this spec. run on an (balanced)
> otherwise
> standard engine and manifold without making the car undrivable.
> If it will it will solve my problem of oil getting into the cooling
> system with my
> current cylinder head.
> Any comments/help gratefully received.
> rgards
> bob
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