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References: [ 42 ]

Total 42 documents matching your query.

41. 250 surrey T-top? (score: 1)
Author: (Paul Swengler)
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 1995 05:51:31 -0500
I skipped the thread on the gt6 t-top cause they didn't have one. But I have a TR4 with a steel one and recently aquired another for Nigel the 250 which is aluminium. They both seem identical except
/html/triumphs/1995-11/msg00069.html (7,171 bytes)

42. RE: Triumphs referred to as VW's (score: 1)
Author: (Paul Swengler)
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 06:55:14 -0500
If it sounds like a VW, If it uses VW parts, If it looks like a squashed VW, If it handles like a VW, If It's made like a VW, It don't matter what it costs, or what they call it, it's still a VW!
/html/triumphs/1995-11/msg00733.html (6,490 bytes)

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