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Total 9 documents matching your query.

1. [TR] Wheel cylinder tabs refitting (score: 1)
Author: Perry Hammock <>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 13:33:39 -0500
My favorite method is to poke some steel wire (aka baling wire) through the tube and fasten it to the wires just beyond the end of the outer jacket. Just bend the wire into a tight loop, and wrap it
/html/triumphs/2010-11/msg00359.html (6,966 bytes)

2. [TR] Wire wheels (score: 1)
Author: Perry Hammock <>
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 15:16:56 -0400
No one else to consider except Hendrix They really know their stuff Highly recommended Perry Hammock 1960 TR3A with a bent nose after a pickup truck backed into me last week <sigh> ** triumphs@autox.
/html/triumphs/2012-08/msg00300.html (10,098 bytes)

3. [TR] Body shop close to Indianapolis (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 15:40:53 -0400
After 15 years guess it was time Big jacked up pickup backed into the tr3 Sad Not too bad. Still drivable. Will need apron and paint match which will be no easy task I am in indy. My go to guy won't
/html/triumphs/2012-10/msg00287.html (7,819 bytes)

4. [TR] TR3A....7" versus 5 1/2" driving lights (score: 1)
Author: Perry Hammock <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 16:00:01 -0400
for a number of reasons, including covering up some very minor body damage, i am going to install driving lights on my 1960 tr3A. I have a set of NOS Lucas driving and fog lights in the smaller 5 1/2
/html/triumphs/2013-04/msg00238.html (8,544 bytes)

5. [TR] TR3 Broken Clutch Taper Pin Removal (score: 1)
Author: Perry Hammock <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 21:33:37 -0400
Perhaps I finally have something to contribute today after removing the transmission in my TR3A I found the clutch fork taper pin was broken at the threads. read up on the remedies suggested, ecch. I
/html/triumphs/2014-06/msg00052.html (8,066 bytes)

6. [TR] TR3 Question - (score: 1)
Author: Perry Hammock <>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2020 14:55:40 -0500
Was out of town for a couple months and my little TR3 was put to bed without any preparation (left town in kind of a hurry, and drive the car practically daily in decent weather. When I got back, it
/html/triumphs/2020-12/msg00151.html (9,414 bytes)

7. Re: [TR] TR3 Ovweflow (score: 1)
Author: Perry Hammock <>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 14:34:45 -0700
I remember Randall wrote a definitive piece on this. (Rest his soul). Check In His archives. It was great advice Sent from my iPhone ** ** Donate:
/html/triumphs/2022-02/msg00047.html (30,958 bytes)

8. [TR] Studebaker trees (score: 1)
Author: Perry Hammock <>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2022 15:12:05 -0400
I have been to the park - my kids lived in South Bend for a while so up there often. It is pretty cool - the tree letters are so big they have signs denoting which letter you are by. There is still o
/html/triumphs/2022-09/msg00049.html (7,758 bytes)

9. Re: [TR] Triumphs Digest, Vol 15, Issue 176 (score: 1)
Author: Perry Hammock <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2022 19:08:18 -0400
Hi Mark! I live about 2 miles from Broad Ripple (they call it SoBro). Drive my green TR3 through the village regularly! Perry ** ** Archive:
/html/triumphs/2022-10/msg00065.html (7,835 bytes)

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