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References: [ +from:davgil: 54 ] [ at (Too many documents hit. Ignored) ] [ 2322 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [TR] radiator contamination (score: 214)
Author: davgil at (davgil at
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 09:08:41 -0400
To the more well informed. Yesterday was a beautiful weekend in North Georgia and I had the opportunity for a nice drive with my 1976 TR6. Great day until I heard that unusual sound from up front and
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00580.html (8,628 bytes)

2. [TR] Titles (score: 214)
Author: davgil at (davgil at
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018 10:38:55 -0400
I don't know about other jurisdictions, but Georgia does not require titles for older vehicles. However, there is a process for obtaining a title bond should you have a concern or wish to obtain a ti
/html/triumphs/2018-08/msg00268.html (7,156 bytes)

3. [TR] What made it perfect? (score: 8)
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 13:22:42 -0400
My first real drive of the season in my 1976 TR6.B Beautiful Georgia morning, perfect weather, car running great, my best friend and wife of 32 years beside me.B Just as I thought that it couldn't ge
/html/triumphs/2007-05/msg00579.html (6,820 bytes)

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