Hi Kurtis The spark has to fire when the rotor is at the correct spark post. So you simply might be rotating it enough to get it to do that. Did ya notice that the drive gear has 9 teeth? This is not
Hi Bob, Would it ease your pain and up your anticipation if there was a 6 foot tall blond waiting for your arrival out there in Busterland? Would that make the trip more palatable? I'll bet non basic
Not Blond, though!! Pa -- Original Message -- From: "Peter C." <nosimport@mailbag.com> To: "Paul Asgeirsson" <pasgeirsson@worldnet.att.net>; "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>; "Frank Clarici"
Man o man, is that a ton of work as he described!!! I find after the clean up of grease, etc. with soapy water, using a rag wheel polisher with stainless steel polish it comes up just as brand new. O
Hey! Working for a biggie Giant like them, you should be eligible for a vacation in a couple of months! Take some time off, establish a pattern with the company, etc., etc.,!!! Learn to live! Let you
You even beat Ed for correcting! Must have his head in the fridge! LOL! Well, if I was passing a football players test, I'd pass!!! Had the right program! Thanks, Paul A -- Original Message -- From:
Hi Jim, Ribcase or smoothcase, all years take the same size nut on the speedo output. Could you possibly have one for the 1500? About those, in the words of Colonel Klink, "I know nothing!" In my zea
You've finally figured out how to put a snippet from a prior message so we can fit it with your response!! For so long, I've thought you were an offspring of Ed as lots of his replies never made any
I know the Morris 4.22 is different than the Spridget 4.22. These are also different than the Morris 4.55 bearings, gears etc. Wonder if the 3.9 assembly would work? Off to the parts book, now!! Pa
Hi Larry, Well, on the 4.22 for the Morris or the Spridget, clearly there are differences. There are 2 types for the Morris, an early and later one. The later is the same as the Spridget. There are d