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References: [ +from:fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com: 81 ]

Total 81 documents matching your query.

1. Radius Arm Bushing squeaks (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Dec 1998 09:32:31 -0800
Now that we've hit a cold spell here in California, my rear suspension squeaks unmercifully. I've stopped the squeaks with WD40, but that only lasts a couple of weeks, I've had a silcon lubricant put
/html/spridgets/1998-12/msg00308.html (7,540 bytes)

2. Mine scares me, it likes the speed (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 15:08:28 -0800
Bob: I don't know how fast I was going, the tach said 5800, 4th gear of a ribcase with 4.22 diff. My 1098cg wanted to go faster, my Midget's suspension wanted to go faster, I just got scared. -- Fred
/html/spridgets/1998-12/msg00504.html (9,015 bytes)

3. 1979 Road Test My take on it. (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 15:02:49 -0800
Having all of the Brookland's books and quite a few others on Spridgets, I've read the "Get one while you still can" + "Why would anyone want one" articles. There's quite a few good reasons for those
/html/spridgets/1998-11/msg00098.html (8,981 bytes)

4. Vizzard is now into Chevy Small Blocks (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 08:58:53 -0800
I just received my Holiday Catalog from Motorbooks, and who has a new book out? David Vizzard. This time it's building a Chevy small block on a budget. So it does look like he has moved on from A ser
/html/spridgets/1998-11/msg00326.html (7,332 bytes)

5. Re: rod,ball joints (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 15:05:16 -0800
Let me guess: CV Joints -- Fred Krampits 1963 MG Midget MK I 1098CG http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/9021/
/html/spridgets/1998-11/msg00602.html (8,105 bytes)

6. Mini Mania leaf springs (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 09:43:57 -0700
Alan: I have had the Mini Mania springs installed since early spring this year. You have to chop up a old spring to make the spacers to adjust the ride height. Ride is great, handling even better. I
/html/spridgets/1998-10/msg00371.html (7,291 bytes)

7. Re: Temperature guage (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 16:19:46 -0800
Mini Mania has some stainless steel thermostat housing studs, and carries (at least they had it for my car) the thermostat housings. -- Fred Krampits 1963 MG Midget MK I 1098CG http://www.geocities.c
/html/spridgets/1998-10/msg00995.html (8,859 bytes)

8. Phone # for Austin Healy Spares (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 08:41:27 -0700
Does anybody have the phone # for Austin Healy Spares in England? Fred Krampits 1963 MG Midget MK I 1098CG http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/9021/
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00233.html (7,576 bytes)

9. Re: Phone # for Austin Healy Spares (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 09:05:25 -0700
Larry: Thanks for the quick response! -- Fred Krampits 1963 MG Midget MK I 1098CG http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/9021/
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00237.html (8,261 bytes)

10. Re: Dead Ribcase (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 14:41:00 -0700
Larry: Didn't you have the special rear main bearing on your 948 (the one Mini Mania sells) or was that someone else? -- Fred Krampits 1963 MG Midget MK I 1098CG http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/90
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00255.html (7,906 bytes)

11. Can't we all just get along? (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 10:40:12 -0700
Well: I've been very kind to Sprite owners in the past, however I know and they know that the Midget starting in 1961 is the same car as the Sprite, however just like my old Olds Firenza when compare
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00359.html (9,903 bytes)

12. Re: Ugh!! Sprite Vandalised (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 15:16:43 -0700
Jeff: The parts are probably available from either VB or Moss. What I find interesting is that from what they took, it looks like the person knew what he was doing and probably needed the part himsel
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00502.html (8,647 bytes)

13. Re: Ugh!! Sprite Vandalised (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 13:30:14 -0700
Frank: I leave my 1963 Midget at work, unlocked, no club, sometimes leave the keys in it. However, I do have Armed Security Guards at the front gate, who know who the car belongs to, ready to shoot a
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00589.html (9,157 bytes)

14. Bugeye for sale in Raleigh NC (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 08:52:05 -0700
I'm forwarding part of an email from one of my customers that saw my web page and has a 1960 Bugeye that belonged to his father. I don't know anything but what is in the email, however I figure someb
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00634.html (8,441 bytes)

15. Midget Resistance Website (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 13:04:40 -0700
Found it: http://www.zebra.net/~kunta_sensei/mgcar.html -- Fred Krampits 1963 MG Midget MK I 1098CG http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/9021/
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg00647.html (8,574 bytes)

16. Re: Advice for a newcomer (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 09:18:28 -0700
Rob: Something to think about, how are you going to use the car? Around Town, backroads, scenic drives? Or are you going to travel some major highway miles? That I think is the major determination on
/html/spridgets/1998-09/msg01108.html (7,958 bytes)

17. Re: I wouldn't have believed it.... (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 08:42:43 -0700
Bob: Since I live in California, I can beleive anything. Fred
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00060.html (9,742 bytes)

18. Was it the car or the driver? (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 10:24:56 -0700
Sunday I'm almost home from a little run with my Midget and I'm at a light side by side with a BMW Z3 (4 cyl), light changes I start off normally and the guy in the BMW punches it. Still having quick
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00064.html (7,827 bytes)

19. Long awaited picture of my 1963 Midget MK I 1098CG (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 1998 09:02:24 -0700
I have made mention for a few months now that I was going to get around to putting a picture of my Midget on the web for all to see. Finally the ultimate procrastinator has found a way. Enjoy, and I
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00175.html (8,486 bytes)

20. End to the windsheild post debat (score: 1)
Author: Fred Krampits <fred@hprrc725.rose.hp.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 10:01:20 -0700
Do what My PO did, chrome them, they look great. Ask Crash. Fred 1963 Midget
/html/spridgets/1998-08/msg00247.html (6,741 bytes)

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