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References: [ 1033 ]

Total 1033 documents matching your query.

241. Re: {2} Coil.... To Ballast or Not To Ballast.... (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 16:25:42 EDT
<< The Lumenition does require a ballasted coil. Mike Mike, the choice is to fit the Lucas sports and stick a ballast on it - marginal loss of performance over a coil designed for a ballast. OR Order
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01422.html (7,275 bytes)

242. Re: {1} Coil.... To Ballast or Not To Ballast.... (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 16:25:15 EDT
<< aniel, Here in the States, Lucas markets(ed) only 1 version of a "Sports Coil" number DLB105B >> Peter, in the UK they only market the DLB105 (the gold sports) BUT the DLB 110 (gold sports for bal
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01423.html (7,433 bytes)

243. Re: Bleeding Brake failure (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 16:36:07 EDT
wot iza a spul ckr';;; dus eet dooo munch userfulll.,.,l[]
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01424.html (8,082 bytes)

244. Re: Original Fuel Line (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 15:48:50 EDT
<< 2 foot length of thin wall steel tubing >> I have used copper tubing and it works great - possibly not legal in the USA? Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01583.html (7,715 bytes)

245. 007 was Re: Curling exposed! (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 15:59:43 EDT
<< It involves accurately sliding a special 42lb rock on ice to a target 147' away >> They played this in the best James Bond 007 film ever - On Her Majesty's Secret Service (George Lazenby was 007).
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01648.html (6,949 bytes)

246. Re: Nader, was: Side Marker Reflectors (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 15:59:52 EDT
<< Poor management killed the British car industry >> I am not sure the British Car industry ever died. Ford UK/Ford Europe cranked out a lot of cars which are now classics over here but which were p
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01649.html (9,228 bytes)

247. Re: Tooting the horn (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 29 May 1999 18:10:46 EDT
<< 69 had signal switch stalk horn pushes >> My UK 69 had the horn push on the steering wheel. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01654.html (8,134 bytes)

248. Re: Tooting the horn (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 16:57:36 EDT
<< You 69 also has a metal dash and probably only 2 wiper >> You're Frank it does, another UK/US spec difference I keep forgetting. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01685.html (7,958 bytes)

249. Chassis dyno report (rolling road) - long (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 13:42:35 EST
Hi List, I finally got my Sprite back on the rolling road. Since my last session I have fitted a 6.75" maniflow inlet manifold, shallower air filter to match, and nology leads. Also I had the inlet m
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00009.html (8,750 bytes)

250. Re: Suspension bushes (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 06:42:15 EST
<< nylon bushes >> I agree but the Polyurethane bushs are not the same as the Nylon. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00030.html (7,118 bytes)

251. Re: Sprite Tuning Video) (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 06:42:02 EST
<< I've got more equipment then most pubic access >> Sounds like a strange kind of access to me!!!! Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00031.html (8,065 bytes)

252. Re: Speaking of Midget keys... What about Sprites? (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 08:05:24 EST
<< The top is round and they say Union, made in England on one side and Wilmot Breeden on the other >> These sound like the real original keys. Keys like lock mechanisms can wear over the years and y
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00088.html (8,279 bytes)

253. Re: Painting dash and RE: Sprite Tuning Video (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 08:05:32 EST
<< The paint won't wrinkle unless you put it on thick. You have probably been putting it on too thin in the areas where it's not wrinkling. At least with the stuff I used it was temperature not thick
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00089.html (7,901 bytes)

254. Re: Painting dash and RE: Sprite Tuning Video (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 08:05:28 EST
<< How much of a pain in the rear is it to remove and paint the metal dash from a 66 Sprite? Mine needs a painting real bad, especially around the ignition key area. The keys hanging down have worn t
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00090.html (7,891 bytes)

255. Re: Oil cooler (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 08:05:36 EST
<< Oil cooler question. Do I have to worry about oil siphoning out of the cooler back into the pan when not running ? >> No. << I used 5/8ths high pressure oil hose (350lbs) Should I be concerned wit
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00091.html (7,191 bytes)

256. Re: Suspension bushes (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 08:05:09 EST
<< also tried Urethane (plastic, nylon, whatever you want to call them) bushings. >> Are we talking about the same type of bushing here? There are 3 types: rubber, nylon, and polyurethane. I think ev
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00092.html (8,085 bytes)

257. Rabbit was Re: Happy Easter!!! (no LBC) (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:57:32 EDT
<< Easter Bunny >> A young family were going on holiday and asked the people next door to keep an eye on the house for them. Next day the people next door went into their garden and saw their dog pla
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00166.html (7,974 bytes)

258. Missing my Sprite (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 08:56:06 EDT
Hi List, I am missing my Sprite. It came straight from the dyno run on Thursday into the body shop for new doors and it will be a week before I get it back. It has taken me about 6 years to get aroun
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00182.html (7,029 bytes)

259. Re: Intake Backfiring (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 14:44:36 EDT
<< could_ cause the engine to backfire through the carb >> Ignition timing incorrect or less likely, valve timing incorrect. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00193.html (6,865 bytes)

260. Re: Timing Chain Noise? (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 16:52:11 EDT
<< pitched tinkling noise on over run >> Sometimes a noise like this, or any noise can accurate to diagnoise when you hear it first hand, let alone by e-mail. I'll be honest and say that I don't have
/html/spridgets/1999-04/msg00274.html (7,694 bytes)

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