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Total 1033 documents matching your query.

201. Re: steering column cowl \ dash (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:40:54 EDT
On my 69 Sprite I first press the dash back (because one is not fastened properly. I fit the top underneath the column and rotate 180 degrees the I just fit the bottom to the top. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00871.html (6,991 bytes)

202. Re: plugs (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:40:34 EDT
<< Would the N12 plugs likely be responsible for the dieseling if they're that hot? >> In theory yes, though I can't be sure since I've never run overly hot plugs. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00872.html (6,748 bytes)

203. Morgan was Re: Morris vs British Leyland (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:41:04 EDT
<< Is Morgan the only -real- British car left? >> Morgan don't make engines.
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00874.html (6,905 bytes)

204. Re: octane boost (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:40:43 EDT
<< If anyone wants to raise the octane level of their fuel, toluene >> Be careful. Most of this stuff is highly carcinogenic. Usually the side of the container is graduated so you know much you are r
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00875.html (7,339 bytes)

205. Re: Cottage Industries (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 12:21:54 EDT
<< TVR is also still in business, the company that Trevor Wilkinson founded having now turned into a manufacturer of very well turned out, high-performance vehicles. . Today, the top of the line uses
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00880.html (7,444 bytes)

206. Re: CFR engine (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 12:21:39 EDT
<< Honda Civic coupe >> I image this uses the engine with variable cam timing. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00881.html (8,177 bytes)

207. Rotary wasRe: Thanx for the opinions(I think)LONNG! (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 12:41:34 EDT
<< The rotary is not fuel efficien >> Especially when power tuned and that is why no-one does this conversion in the UK. Also a turbocharged A seres will come pretty close for less money and hassle (
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00885.html (7,306 bytes)

208. Re: Very, very little LBC content. (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:10:41 EDT
<< Okay, it's car related! Things you should never say to a Traffic Cop.... In England it goes something like: 1. Shouldn't you be out catching all the real criminals? Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00906.html (7,119 bytes)

209. Re: Cottage Industries (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:10:47 EDT
<< t but hey, can't have everything. With no doors and the small size it's not much of a daily driver but a "fun" car. Bill Hunt 64 MKII - Herbytoy(waiting to be a "fun" car) Just take the doors of H
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00907.html (7,208 bytes)

210. Re: Light Headed (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:35:57 EDT
<< But a 9-lb aluminum head (allegedly with 35% better flow capability, no less) has me thinking of Rimflo valves, high-ratio rockers, and all the usual tweaks. Many thanks to anyone who has experien
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00910.html (7,734 bytes)

211. Re: 1100 tuning (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:36:06 EDT
<< Okay petrolheads, I'm trying to get the best out of what I've got: A 10CCDAH high comp 1100 (.040 OB so 1136cc) with a 998 cooper head. I've got a 3 into 1 extractor with fairly short primaries, a
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00911.html (7,337 bytes)

212. Re: steering column cowl \ dash (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 01:22:03 EDT
<< I struggled with this once. And then I found it easy with the top steering column mounts released and the column dropped a couple of inches. Alan >> Good Idea! Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00934.html (7,108 bytes)

213. Plugs was Re: O2 Sensor for Tuning Carbs & Spark Plug Question (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 01:22:17 EDT
<< Another question that I have is the effect of spark plug heat ranges upon combustion. Exactly how do heat ranges affect the combustion process? Assuming that I were running a mixture slightly rich
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00935.html (8,063 bytes)

214. Re: octane boost (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 01:22:32 EDT
Kind of expensive.
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00936.html (6,967 bytes)

215. FI was Re: CFR engine (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 01:22:29 EDT
<< when some company announced a generic fuel injection system, >> There is one in the UK but the A-Series 5 port cyl-head doesn't lend itself to making the system that efficient - it is also expensi
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00937.html (6,782 bytes)

216. VTEC was Re: CFR engine (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 01:22:22 EDT
<< it doesnt help THAT much >> I have to disagree. There is actually 2 cam profiles. One set which are pretty much standard and the second set which much be pretty close to full race (this engine rev
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00938.html (6,892 bytes)

217. CAMLESS engine was Re: CFR engine (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 01:22:25 EDT
<< Toby, who is waiting for a cam less engine >> Siemens already have the technology but it won't work much over 6,000rpm so doesn't realise the power and economy gains it ought to. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00939.html (7,378 bytes)

218. Re: CAMLESS engine was Re: CFR engine (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 17:10:19 EDT
No, this is a 4 stroke engine with conventional poppet valves. The valves are operated by acutuators rather than springs hence only one step away from camless. The problem was that they couldn't get
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00958.html (7,576 bytes)

219. Re: hunting, etc. (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 16:39:39 EDT
<< I pulled my plugs and took a look at them. They are Champion N 9 and appear to be a light brown on the tips. Haynes says N 5 was the factory issue and I have read here that N9YCC is a standard rep
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00981.html (7,454 bytes)

220. Re: May West Knoxville Driving Challenge (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 17:13:23 EDT
It's not the cars in my life but the life in my cars? Mae West - otherwise known as a life jacket?
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg01029.html (8,335 bytes)

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