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Total 1033 documents matching your query.

181. Octane & CRs was Re: Automotive calculations for dummies (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 15:37:54 EDT
<< Yeah there is nothing about this that should work... especially with no lead..... I am not sure what petrol is used. It might be 98 (English method of calculation) octane unleaded or 95 leaded. I
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00390.html (8,677 bytes)

182. The Italian Job was Re: Jensen GT (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 15:37:58 EDT
<< Austin Mini. >> They were Mini Coopers. 'Put your foot down, put your foot down, you're losing them' '... you must have shot an awful lot of tigers'. 'yes, I use a machine gun'. 'This car belongs
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00391.html (7,207 bytes)

183. Re: Commemorative Cars (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 16:42:08 EDT
<< Have you seen the new XK8 >> Available as an automatic only - otherwise it would have had my vote. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00396.html (8,960 bytes)

184. Re: Octane & CRs (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 17:02:15 EDT
Thinking about it the reason these high CRs are possible probably has a lot to do with the cam and what DV calls dynamic CR. In other words the theoretical CR is never realised at low engine speeds
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00397.html (6,840 bytes)

185. Re: Octane & CRs was Re: Automotive calculations for dummies (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 17:02:28 EDT
<< Is my ignition timing up the khyber? Andy >> Probably, but the mixture strength has an effect too, as does the overall running temp of the engine. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00398.html (8,982 bytes)

186. Re: sprites upside down (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 17:04:02 EDT
<< If you increase the grip between tyre and road, you increase cornering speed >>etc Hi Guy, Not necessarily what is perhaps more likely is that you will get more body roll and more understeer. With
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00462.html (7,015 bytes)

187. Movie Greats.... (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 17:26:20 EDT
O Lucky Man (great easy listening sound track) featured a big Healey. The guy driving pulled along side a ford Anglia (side valve!) laughed, and then 'booted it' - he sped off into the fog and a big
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00463.html (6,512 bytes)

188. Re: Octane, etc. (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 17:26:07 EDT
<< Just out of curiosity, where are you guys fnding leaded fuel? >> Mostly anywhere in England - till the end of the year - though my Sprite runs on unleaded. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00464.html (7,119 bytes)

189. Re: dieseling (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 14:43:37 EDT
<< cooler plugs (CHAMP N9YCC) >> I would have thought that these would have been the standard plugs. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00632.html (7,570 bytes)

190. Re: Help... Getting over my head rapidly (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 16:04:33 EDT
I think that everyone starts off knowing very little and learning a lot of Spridget ownership. In the beginning there is an overwhelming sense of frustration, panic, even despair when something goes
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00634.html (8,016 bytes)

191. Re: Wheel studs (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 16:04:15 EDT
<< I think my lug nuts are tapered and kind of go down into the holes in the wheels. CORRECT and this is an important safety point when fitting alloy wheels. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00635.html (7,564 bytes)

192. Re: octane numbers (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 16:04:41 EDT
<< The tests are carried out in a single cylinder engine >> This is a CFR engine and is antique. A couple of DVs books have very good sections on petrol/gas in them, though technology has moved on a
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00636.html (7,084 bytes)

193. Re: no more rattly chains (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 16:04:28 EDT
I think you will find that belts and belt drive conversion kits are still Kent Cams (try A.P.T in the USA) have a new A-Series sprocket and chain conversion kit that is supposed to be superior to the
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00641.html (6,980 bytes)

194. Re: Automotive calculations for dummies (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 17:33:54 EDT
<< A really old timers trick was just prior to shut down, blip the throttle a time or two and shut off the key then. Seems that the incoming air with the engine coming down to idle speed, will cool t
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00642.html (7,967 bytes)

195. Re: back from vacation (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 17:08:15 EDT
<< I'm still trying to find the A-pillar rainy-day leak in the midget. >> Get inside the car with a flashlight and get someone to shut the door and then spray the car with water from a garden hose pi
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00704.html (6,950 bytes)

196. CFR engine (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 17:07:57 EDT
<< Daniel, What is a CFR engine? Andy This is the single cylinder antique engine that is used for no other purpose than to work out octane ratings. I forget what the letters CFR stand for - but the e
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00705.html (7,805 bytes)

197. Re: The Red Car (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:40:57 EDT
<< who build a sports car in their living room >> Does the book say how they got it out? Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00867.html (7,592 bytes)

198. Morgan was Morris etc (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:41:08 EDT
Hi List, Morgan don't make engines. In years gone by they have used BL (Triumph?), Rover (Buick) and Ford engines. Also, don't forget the FIAT twin cam engines they used for a while. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00868.html (6,519 bytes)

199. Re: Morris vs British Leyland (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:41:11 EDT
<< The A series cars could get close... >> I think you have to put this comment in perspective. The A series engined cars were delibrately NOT fitted with the Cooper S head because they were embarras
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00869.html (8,780 bytes)

200. Re: Morris vs British Leyland (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:41:01 EDT
<< Now if that Ford engine came out of a Jag XK 8 it might be pretty nice. This engine was a REAL jaguar engine, now the new S type I'm not sure. Daniel1312
/html/spridgets/1999-05/msg00870.html (8,559 bytes)

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