<<Is Winthrop Harbor near Ed's??>> Yep. <<Hell it ain't a camino nor Big Healey, bet it's his>> Even if I HATED somebody, wouldn't paint it THAT colour, Larry!!
<<> Leib Come on, Ed, even back when you went to school they must have taught "i before e except after c"! Lieb WHO pointed at YOU??? <VBB>!!!!! Are you "guilty as charged"?? Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<< But, they think we are because they see the junk that we are buying from them. "Modern Gentleman" is a marketing ploy directed at the Chinese mentality.>> Read somewhere that actually they HAVE to
<<This is could be the start of a Spridget legend that will be told in hushed tones for years to come.>> Only if both of youse (vowel ending last name ref) are in Satch Carlson styled headgear, Glen!
<< __/__,__ ___/__|__ .................................(_o____o_)....<_O_____O_/... '67 Sprite '74 X1/9 Leaves NO doubt, RD!! THANKS!! Just wrote him!! Me
<<To my Daughter and her Husband, Kristi and Lambert.>> Hey DITTO!!! But guess what, Larry??? They WILL beat you next year at Valentin's LBC Rally !!! NO 4th "trophy"!!!!
<<Larry's car does sound fantastic. Next time, I'm gonna steal it for a few minutes. >> Ron, just fly into Monteray and have him pick you up!! Take the PCH down to south of Big Sur and then East to L
<<I would go with the earliest carbs with fixed needles for thorough rebuild, were I in your shoes (boots, sneakers, Nike's, sandals, whatever!:). >> Bad as I HATE to admit it, I agree with Cap'n Bo
<<Motor mounts?>> Agreed. BUT, NOBODY has mentioned the Tranny mounts!! MOST likeliest to be rotten from (guess) oil!! Although the drive shaft not sliding "sounds" plausible, NEVER seen or heard of
Which Michael had absolutly should NOT have done since your messges TO him were NOT "on list", E.!! _______________________________________________ Edit your replies http://www.team.net/archive http:
I was gonna answer sooner but... <<Replace the bolts with pan head screws and use your cordless screw gun.>> Why not just put captive nuts on the sides (2 per) of rad mounting brackets and use POINTE