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References: [ +from:suzie.singleton: 80 ] [ at (Too many documents hit. Ignored) ] [ 3 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [Spits] GT6 MKI Front Floor Pans (score: 468)
Author: suzie.singleton at (suzie.singleton at
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 09:05:01 +0000
Hi Jim, even here in the UK it's difficult to find floor pans of the correct/original pressings, unless you're lucky enough to find one at an autojumble or someone with some NOS panels. The repro pan
/html/spitfires/2012-04/msg00004.html (8,634 bytes)

2. [Spits] O/D (score: 242)
Author: suzie.singleton at (Suzie)
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 15:11:00 +0100
Hi Bob Can't help much with your other question but as far as where to fit the long OD switch, in the UK it's on the same side as the indicators switch - one advantage being that if you hit the wrong
/html/spitfires/2012-04/msg00009.html (8,428 bytes)

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