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Total 9 documents matching your query.

1. Early type charcoal canister (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Sat, 08 May 2004 13:56:53 -0400
I am rebuilding a MK3 1970 Spitfire that was all in parts when I bought it.In the parts I have an Early type charcoal canister wich have a center 1/2 inche pipe outlet on the top with a restritor pl
/html/spitfires/2004-05/msg00048.html (6,790 bytes)

2. No oil screen in oil pan (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 07:36:48 -0500
I owe a Spitfire 1970 MK 3 (Engine 1296 Serial FE 79616E) and was surprised to see that there is no oil screen attached to downard pipe of the oil pump inside the oil pan, is this o.k.or normal ??? P
/html/spitfires/2004-02/msg00064.html (6,553 bytes)

3. Distributor Vaccum control (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 19:46:52 -0500
I own a Spitfire 1970 MK 3 and the Distributor Vaccum control is out of order, finished,I do not see any in all my catalogs someone have an idea as how and where to buy this part. Thank you Paul [dem
/html/spitfires/2004-02/msg00067.html (6,710 bytes)

4. Engine SPLASH GUARD MK3 (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 15:26:14 -0500
Hello I see many pictures of Spitfires MK3 engine compartements with no SPLASH GUARD, what is the preference, any comments on this ??? Yhank you Paul-Ernest [demime 0.99d.1 removed an attachment of t
/html/spitfires/2004-02/msg00084.html (6,593 bytes)

5. Upgrade to a 4-synchro box (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 08:38:47 -0500
I own a Spitfire 1970 MK 3 with a 3-synchro gearbox, how complicated is it to Upgrade to a 4-synchro box,(I mean buy a new 4-synchro box for replacement) in reference to drive shaft length bell hous
/html/spitfires/2004-02/msg00092.html (6,973 bytes)

6. Metal Bonding (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 08:18:04 -0500
Good day It's becoming more and more common to bond metal parts together than to weld and I was wondering If I could bond even structural part like floor pan and sill with good quality steel rivets a
/html/spitfires/2004-02/msg00154.html (6,929 bytes)

7. Transmission Gear Parts not needed (Gear Train Assembly) (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 15:10:15 -0500
I have on hand transmission new gears for a standard Spitfire MK3 1970, 3 Synchro Parts, are as follow and I do not need them I bought a new transmission. Any advise anyone !!! The kit is Part number
/html/spitfires/2004-02/msg00191.html (6,979 bytes)

8. Transmission (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 16:07:36 -0500
I am restoring a 1970 Spitfire MK 3 and have on hand two trasmissions the one on the car now is number FD 00715 non syncro on first gear, and the other on is KC25819 syncro on all four gear I have b
/html/spitfires/2003-12/msg00065.html (7,014 bytes)

9. Body Panel (score: 1)
Author: Paul-Ernest Levesque <>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 06:55:19 -0400
There are many supplier of Body Panel like floor and rocker panel, but does it have all the same quality and which supplier does sell the good quality Paul Canada
/html/spitfires/2003-10/msg00015.html (6,505 bytes)

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