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References: [ +from:battmain: 146 ] [ at (Too many documents hit. Ignored) ] [ 49 ]

Total 11 documents matching your query.

1. [Shop-talk] Craftsman edger motor lost its suck (score: 176)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 14:13:43 -0700 (PDT)
Triple check the fuel line is run properly, or it isn't hitting the fuel. BTDT. When you think you have it in the fuel, it can actually curl up and be sucking air. Take it back apart and run the line
/html/shop-talk/2011-05/msg00274.html (9,844 bytes)

2. [Shop-talk] Cutting tires (score: 176)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 18:25:45 -0700 (PDT)
I've used a large pair of snips. The one I used is larger than this one in the link, but looks similar.... It cu
/html/shop-talk/2011-05/msg00365.html (9,611 bytes)

3. [Shop-talk] Removing Vinyl (score: 166)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Mon, 9 May 2011 15:17:56 -0700 (PDT)
Go buy a case of the 3m rotary vinyl removers/erasers. You'll need two or three per van, but your arms will hurt less, and your stress level is also lower. Wear old clothes. The bits and pieces of ol
/html/shop-talk/2011-05/msg00317.html (10,264 bytes)

4. [Shop-talk] OT favor (score: 166)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 08:42:14 -0800 (PST)
I think the request should also go to your contact list and direct them to any of the free online scanners/cleaners. Then you can help them clean up their machine. As posted, your email can be harves
/html/shop-talk/2012-03/msg00003.html (8,629 bytes)

5. [Shop-talk] Shaky steering wheel (score: 166)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 12:12:10 -0700 (PDT)
On my truck it was the hubs and tie rod ends. After replacing the hubs, the two inches the steering used to moved before it did anything went away. Then the tie rods tightened everything up more. Oth
/html/shop-talk/2012-04/msg00012.html (9,991 bytes)

6. [Shop-talk] Pressure Washer (score: 166)
Author: battmain at (battmain)
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 23:37:17 +0000
Suggest at least 2500psi or better. Anything less has just annoyed me when I used it. Even with that amount of power, the rotating turbo nozzle is needed for the moldy sidewalks by me otherwise the j
/html/shop-talk/2012-04/msg00072.html (9,374 bytes)

7. [Shop-talk] vacuum cleaners (non-shop) (score: 156)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 15:52:13 -0700 (PDT)
Mine seems to be going strong too. Lemme see, '89 when mom bought it. Got too heavy for her to use. I inherited it. Other than belts, which last much longer if I remove the tension, the unit ran twic
/html/shop-talk/2011-03/msg00338.html (9,622 bytes)

8. [Shop-talk] Nissan GTR (score: 156)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 13:47:49 -0700 (PDT)
Darn electronic nannys. Always seem to spoil the fun on the track. <eg> I miss the days when my right foot was the traction control. Even with traction control supposedly off, there is still sometime
/html/shop-talk/2011-04/msg00277.html (8,577 bytes)

9. [Shop-talk] LED Headlight for electric motorcycle (score: 156)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2012 12:03:20 -0800 (PST)
Ebay I think would be your best bet I think. The problem is that anything related to LEDs at the moment are kinda' pricey, but should you want to tackle the building part yourself, you can get compon
/html/shop-talk/2012-01/msg00271.html (9,902 bytes)

10. [Shop-talk] computer virus question (score: 156)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 12:04:35 -0800 (PST)
I think Linix and the different flavors of it come easier to those of use who have been around DOS. It's intriguing to see how speedy an old computer can be on Linix, in comparison to Windows. The fi
/html/shop-talk/2012-03/msg00068.html (11,061 bytes)

11. [Shop-talk] car hauler tralier advise. (score: 156)
Author: battmain at (Battmain)
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 15:32:58 -0700 (PDT)
It will most likely work fine for you. . For my next trailer, I'm going with a higher rated axle than the dual 1760# 14" tires (3500#) that I have now. I don't tow much weight, but here is my reasoni
/html/shop-talk/2012-05/msg00141.html (10,130 bytes)

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