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References: [ +from:lcorley@dot11net.net: 29 ]

Total 29 documents matching your query.

1. [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #2658 (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 05:40:59 -0500
I've got a drawing I made of my 46 frame. I could send you the .jpg It's 26" wide at the bumper mounts, 28.5" wide at the front axle and 31.5" wide at the front of the cab. regards, Leon
/html/oletrucks/2006-05/msg00013.html (6,672 bytes)

2. [oletrucks] Re: photo album (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Fri, 05 May 2006 17:40:05 -0500
looks good, Robert. Are you going to take it to any of the local shows? We've got 2 coming up next weekend in Burleson. May 13 Washington Mutual Grand Opening Car Show 10:00-1:00 Burleson May 14 (Sun
/html/oletrucks/2006-05/msg00021.html (7,929 bytes)

3. [oletrucks] Re: Electronic Speedo Testing (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 06:13:11 -0500
I believe you would need an oscilloscope. On my 2000 Silverado the speedo signal is a 5 volt square wave. Either 200 or 400 pulses per mile. I can't remember which. regards, Leon
/html/oletrucks/2006-06/msg00049.html (6,942 bytes)

4. [oletrucks] Bed-rail tail lights (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 05:41:35 -0500
The only source I know of is Pro's Pick`-- But Alan Horvath has had some trubulations with these -- alanhorvath.com/54chevy/bedroll_lights.php regards, Leon
/html/oletrucks/2006-06/msg00056.html (7,673 bytes)

5. [oletrucks] Re: Warner Gauges (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 04:51:02 -0600
Have you looked at Speedway Motors? Speedo -- www.speedwaymotors.com/xq/aspx/paging.yes/dept_id.421/display_id.1106/qx/Product.htm Quad cluster -- www.speedwaymotors.com/xq/aspx/dept_id.421/display_
/html/oletrucks/2006-10/msg00181.html (7,204 bytes)

6. [oletrucks] Refinishing manifold (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 06:24:31 -0600
I have an aluminum 2x1 manifold I'm about to install on my 235. I'd like to pretty it up. I want to bead blast it and them coat it with something that will maintain the fresh clean look. I tried cle
/html/oletrucks/2007-01/msg00022.html (6,619 bytes)

7. [oletrucks] What to do in Tucson (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 15:31:24 +0000
Hi guys. I'm in Tucson this week on a business trip. If I have any spare time, is there something old truck-ish I should be sure to see or do? I'm thinking I might drive up to Casa Grande and check i
/html/oletrucks/2007-01/msg00060.html (6,583 bytes)

8. [oletrucks] Re: What to do in Tucson (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 07:17:44 -0600
Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't have time to hit the Pima Air Museum this trip, but I did make it to Patrick's. He talked me into buying one of his repro Fenton 2x1 intakes for my 235. It a thin
/html/oletrucks/2007-01/msg00075.html (6,348 bytes)

9. [oletrucks] Re: Looking for nice seatbelts for a 55 chevy btruck (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 07:06:50 -0500
I just came back from the Pate Swap meet in Fort Worth yesterday. There were two vendors offering seat belts in a wide variety of colors. One of them was Ssnake Oyl products out of Tyler, Texas. www.
/html/oletrucks/2007-04/msg00001.html (7,523 bytes)

10. [oletrucks] Re: Looking for nice seatbelts for a 55 chevy btruck (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:29:37 -0500
The other guys are Larry & Donna Jefferies out of Bell Plaine, Kansas They don't seem to have a web site, but email is jefferiescoolcarstuff@yahoo.com Phone 620-867-2303 Cell 316-371-5939 If you want
/html/oletrucks/2007-04/msg00002.html (7,797 bytes)

11. [oletrucks] want to buy front wheel bearings (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 20:32:23 -0500
Do you still need these? I've got a set that I'm just using for show & tell. Where are you? regards, Leon -- Hi all, I need a pair of bearings for a '53 just so I can roll it around the yard, so I'd
/html/oletrucks/2007-05/msg00001.html (6,664 bytes)

12. [oletrucks] Re: oletrucks-digest V2 #2858 (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 09:43:58 -0500
I just got a 250 chevy engine. I'm considering using it to replace the 235 in my 53 1/2 ton. Can anyone tell me what motor mounts I need to connect the 250 to one of the aftermarket engine cradles? A
/html/oletrucks/2007-05/msg00042.html (6,246 bytes)

13. [oletrucks] Re: Gas tank sealant (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 07:13:01 -0500
I used the one from POR. I can't recall its name. I put a bunch of gravel in the tank and shook it around to help knock the crud loose. The sealer seems to be working fine for about a year now. rega
/html/oletrucks/2007-09/msg00015.html (6,802 bytes)

14. [oletrucks] Rear End Replacement (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 17:12:37 -0500
There's a lot of options. What's the main problem you're trying to solve? What are the secondary requirements/desirements? regards, Leon --
/html/oletrucks/2007-10/msg00018.html (7,687 bytes)

15. [oletrucks] new gauges (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2007 17:31:55 -0500
Take a look at the 5" SpeedTachular (Speedo/Tach Combo) from classicinstruments.com Or the Haneline 3-n-1 from haneline.com The Haneline 5-n-1 with the tach in the center is 6", a little big for the
/html/oletrucks/2007-10/msg00019.html (7,518 bytes)

16. [oletrucks] Re: engine swap (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 06:31:22 -0500
If its the original setup for the 84 G20, I expect its a computer controlled Quadrajet carb. I don't believe you would realize a performance benefit by retrofitting this system to your 57, like you w
/html/oletrucks/2007-10/msg00021.html (7,578 bytes)

17. [oletrucks] Re: safely installing coil springs (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:10:28 -0600
rent/borrow an internal spring compressor form Autozone. It'll make the job easy and safer. regards, Leon
/html/oletrucks/2007-11/msg00025.html (7,946 bytes)

18. [oletrucks] core support (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 07:35:25 -0600
Hey guys, One of the suppliers has a radiator core support for the AD trucks that lowers the raidator mounting to get it more centered over the fan. I can't remember who it was. Can anyone help me? T
/html/oletrucks/2008-01/msg00047.html (6,417 bytes)

19. [oletrucks] Re: core support (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 08:03:44 -0600
Hey guys,
/html/oletrucks/2008-01/msg00048.html (6,114 bytes)

20. [oletrucks] Re: Park Lamps (score: 1)
Author: Leon Corley <lcorley@dot11net.net>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 17:35:33 -0600
Here's my take on it. I suspect that is normal operation for your 58 panel. The park lamps are wired separately to give you the capability to have some lights on to show others where the car is with
/html/oletrucks/2008-03/msg00011.html (8,023 bytes)

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