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References: [ 5 ]

Total 5 documents matching your query.

1. Re: What Color is Your Head? (score: 1)
Author: TJ Noto <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 95 02:17:45 EDT
First of all, sorry for the cross-posting if it's inappropriate. I've not been on the brit-cars list for a year or more and the mg list wasn't around back then. Dunno how much stuff gets cross-posted
/html/mgs/1995-06/msg00150.html (8,682 bytes)

2. Re: calif smog (score: 1)
Author: TJ Noto <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 95 20:59:50 EDT
$ $ re:TJ's 66B smog problem: $ I used a product by Wynn's this time in my 67, can't for the life of = me $ remember what it was, something like "smogcheck", and even though it = was $ still running
/html/mgs/1995-06/msg00171.html (9,014 bytes)

3. On the way to fewer emmissions (score: 1)
Author: TJ Noto <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 95 17:19:48 PDT
First of all, thanks to all who responded to my cry for help. An update follows: Spent most of Sunday morning under the bonnet of my poor neglected bee. . . Drove the old girl over to my fathers hous
/html/mgs/1995-06/msg00220.html (8,428 bytes)

4. Re: calif smog (score: 1)
Author: TJ Noto <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 95 09:16:59 PDT
Smogcheck. Hmm. . .I'll have to look for it. *probably* find breather causing a test. Right, the only smog equipment on the 66 cars is the crankcase breather. The rubber diaphram can become "perished
/html/mgs/1995-06/msg00273.html (8,695 bytes)

5. Low LBC content (a query) (score: 1)
Author: TJ Noto <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 95 08:03:20 EDT
Sorry for the mass-blasting, but a few years ago someone on one of these lists told me about a list for BMW's. I'm hoping that someone (or any someone) still knows about it. Does anyone know the addr
/html/mgs/1995-06/msg00516.html (7,163 bytes)

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