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References: [ 2 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. '76 Midget Special (score: 1)
Author: Mattias Johansson <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 19:03:33 -0700
I'm new to the list, but I've got a question someone should be able to answer. I bought a '76 MG Midget Special recently, and I'd like to know if it is worth any more than a standard Midget. It is o
/html/mgs/1996-09/msg00484.html (6,524 bytes)

2. Re: MG (score: 1)
Author: Mattias Johansson <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 18:21:22 -0700
They originally built bicycles, not tractors. Then they built motorcycles, and finally cars. Mattias J.
/html/mgs/1996-09/msg00612.html (6,525 bytes)

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