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References: [ 103 ]

Total 103 documents matching your query.

101. battery info wanted (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 23:36:26 EST
I have a 71 B (2 6v batteries originally) getting 302 Ford. I want to route both exhaust where the driverside battery was, and use a single 12 v in a Moss plastic battery box in the passenger side. I
/html/mgb-v8/2001-02/msg00124.html (7,457 bytes)

102. sway bars (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 20:03:41 EST
My 71 B is getting Ford 302. When I started this project years ago, I bought a supposedly matched set of sway bars from Addco company, and I'm now putting them in. Does anyone have driving experience
/html/mgb-v8/2001-02/msg00138.html (6,996 bytes)

103. Re: Insurance and emissions (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 07:37:05 EST
Be careful with that subscription. I paid my $15 last summer and never got a thing. I emailed and even mailed a copy of the cancelled check, and nobody replied. /// /// mailing
/html/mgb-v8/2001-02/msg00144.html (7,049 bytes)

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