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Total 43 documents matching your query.

1. Speedweek Suggestions (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 22:07:04 -0700
It sounds like it is time to re-introduce myself again.... Yes, I am Mike Manghelli, president of this volunteer group that puts on Muroc, 6 El Mirage meets and 2 Bonneville meets.... Yes, I am on t
/html/land-speed/2001-09/msg00085.html (8,546 bytes)

2. Bonneville entry (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 21:11:46 -0700
I have an entry from a gentleman that can not make it to Bonneville this year, and he wants to sell it. If anyone is interested, please contact me off the list. Thanks Mike Manghelli SCTA President
/html/land-speed/2001-08/msg00017.html (6,549 bytes)

3. Re: Speaking of lost people (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:08:26 -0800
She has removed herself from the list. And soon will be removing herself from the SCTA/BNI all together. The last official thing she is doing for us will be the Rule Book. As of April 1 she is movin
/html/land-speed/2001-02/msg00360.html (7,595 bytes)

4. Re: front suspension and rule book (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 18:10:45 -0800
If you join the BNI you will get the rule book, poster, patch, button, etc as soon as they come out. Follow the bouncing mouse.... Mike Manghelli SCTA
/html/land-speed/2001-02/msg00582.html (7,356 bytes)

5. Rotary Factor - Rule Change (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 09:38:39 -0800
Dave and List, Ok, I have been working on the yard for two days moving rocks (Keith are fake rocks lighter than the real ones?) and return to find 195 emails. Most of which are on the rotary factor r
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg00292.html (12,177 bytes)

6. Re: Search Techniques (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2001 20:35:43 -0800
Sooo Keith, Did you ever find the Zee??? Mike (who lives in the desert, but it is raining, another contradiction of terms.... Good thing though, El Mirage needs more water so Keith can go fast in 200
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg00448.html (10,315 bytes)

7. Re: Allowing Overbore (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 21:00:22 -0800
Just trying to stir thing up, are we? The .020 overbore that is allowed on motorcycles is a bone of contention with the car guys because several have been thrown out of impound because a bore measur
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg00503.html (9,287 bytes)

8. Re: SCTA/BNI (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 20:05:08 -0800
Rick & List: BNI dues are $60.00 again this year. For an up to date form follow the bouncing mouse to: We added a spot for Email address. By next year w
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg00884.html (7,886 bytes)

9. Re: SCTA/BNI (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 18:44:33 -0800
I do not think you are fumble fingered. I opened the file into Acrobat and found the same problem. I am not familiar with Acrobat, not sure if there is a way to edit a document when opened. For now
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg00963.html (10,475 bytes)

10. Re: Car Sickness (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 20:13:23 -0800
Well I counted 59, but remember that I race 4 cyl cars and my motorcycles only have one cylinder each! Mike (who uses the only V8 I own to get the toys to the races)
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01051.html (10,935 bytes)

11. Re: EXPERIENCE IS OUR LIFE (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 20:00:56 -0800
Gee, and I thought that everything we touch, see, taste, feel, love, hate, distrust, save, give, deal, buy, beg borrow or steal, create, destroy, do, say, eat, everyone you meet, all that you slight,
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01362.html (7,490 bytes)

12. Re: Dodge-Cummins Diesel (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 19:28:04 -0800
To solve the great Dodge Cummins Diesel question, look to the diesel guy... (not really me) Dr. Performance, set a record (he claims) with a Dodge Cummins powered truck at 148.536 mph, 8-17-99. There
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01451.html (8,140 bytes)

13. Re: ECTA /Pink Floyd (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 19:50:14 -0800
And you know what? The most important thing to have in the desert is that new cooler full of cold beer! Unfortunately I am out of the best beer in the world, Sidewinder Beer. BTW, do not listen to Gl
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01452.html (8,500 bytes)

14. Re: SCTA Banquet (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 20:00:39 -0800
You forgot to tell everyone what a wonderful job the president did at, keeping the show rolling and presenting all of those special awards. He must have done a great job, the hotel compted him the p
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01453.html (8,871 bytes)

15. Re: International Records (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 20:20:35 -0800
Ok, Time for my two cents... I will try to keep it short and to the point. First, the SCTA/BNI board has strong opinions about our position in the world of LSR. We want to do it with the highest of i
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01553.html (12,744 bytes)

16. Re: International Records (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 21:53:02 -0800
Ok, I knew there were motorcycle guys and gals out there but, I ignored that to get some points across. The answer is NO. I can hear you now...... We are working on FIM sanctioning for the motorcycle
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01555.html (13,358 bytes)

17. Fw: LSR (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 21:59:44 -0800
Good question from John, thought you might like to see it. Mike send /// /// mailing list ///
/html/land-speed/2001-01/msg01556.html (7,783 bytes)

18. Re: MUROC ?????? (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 19:40:38 -0800
The SCTA has set a date for Muroc, April 21-22, 2001. The Airforce has included the event in their package for 2001. We are waiting to hear if it will be approved. I will keep the list up to date wh
/html/land-speed/2000-12/msg00175.html (7,678 bytes)

19. Re: KEEP MUROC ALIVE! (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 20:02:48 -0800
This is interesting, I would like to know how many others would be willing to pay "extra" to see the event continue and who does not care to run there at all. Tom did an excellent job of quoting wha
/html/land-speed/2000-12/msg00176.html (8,332 bytes)

20. Fw: LSR Costs? (score: 1)
Author: "Mike Manghelli" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 21:44:57 -0800
1999 certified then
/html/land-speed/2000-12/msg00226.html (8,905 bytes)

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