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References: [ 641 ]

Total 641 documents matching your query.

41. Re: The Buried car ( no LSR ) ~ Hub Caps / Wheel Discs (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 00:08:32 EST
Yes, the Olds Fiesta Wheel Discs ( the term 'hub cap' was falling out of favor by then ) were really nice, but many of us thought that the Dodge Lancer discs with the knight's head on them and four b
/html/land-speed/2005-12/msg00164.html (7,315 bytes)

42. Re: Ak Miller ~ a Hot Rodding Giant (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 13:44:28 EST
Akton Miller ~ Wow, what can you say about this man who was the very Essence of True Innovative, Do It Yourself, Hot Rodding ? One of my All Time Heroes, right up there with Big Daddy Don, Chris Kara
/html/land-speed/2005-12/msg00218.html (8,687 bytes)

43. Re: Best Wishes (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 17:01:54 EST
Very Well Said, Gary ~ Thank You, and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to ALL on Our Land Speed List ~ Seasons Greetings & Miles of Smiles !!! Bruce and Mary Ann Ferguson on the Connecticut shoreli
/html/land-speed/2005-12/msg00271.html (6,586 bytes)

44. 5th Annual Bonneville NW Banquet ~ (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 08:37:18 EST
5th Annual B'ville NW Banquet that will be held FEBRUARY 18, 2006 Location Shilo Inn Portland Airport 11707 NE Airport Way Portland 97220 The cost for this years event is $48.00 per person. This incl
/html/land-speed/2005-12/msg00315.html (7,726 bytes)

45. Re: Chevy engine ID (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 13:46:07 EST
Front motor mount locations( up front on block or part way back on block should narrow the years down even more ........ bdf
/html/land-speed/2005-12/msg00322.html (7,094 bytes)

46. Re: I know exactly where I am (non-LSR) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 14:48:54 EST
Hey Jon ~ I'm uncertain if you want any laughs on that one ! ..... we all have differing senses of humor, I guess ....... Missed my funnybone this time : BDF
/html/land-speed/2005-12/msg00324.html (6,935 bytes)

47. Re: Big Displacement Cars on the Salt ~ and the SAND in (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2005 13:29:55 EST
Wes .... In 1928 Frank Lockhart, the 1926 Indy 500 Winner, had a V16 engine in his Stutz Blackhawk, and it only had a displacement of 182 CID ..... he ran the Measured Mile at Daytona Beach at 198.29
/html/land-speed/2005-11/msg00071.html (9,307 bytes)

48. Another Vehicle Named Mephistopheles -- Not Fast: Many Wheeler (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 11:50:38 EST
Mephistopheles was also the name painted on the side of a large WW 1 German tank, circa 1914 ~ 1918 ..... I've seen it several times in a documentary film on the 'Great War'. I doubt very much that v
/html/land-speed/2005-11/msg00087.html (7,524 bytes)

49. Re: drag behind a car (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 12:32:27 EST
Just how effective were those ducts that had outlets at the base of the rear window on altered or comp coupes ? I've seen them on LSR versions of the Robert Bourke( he worked at the Raymond Loewy Des
/html/land-speed/2005-11/msg00089.html (7,707 bytes)

50. Re: drag behind a car (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 13:26:41 EST
Scott, I'm sure you've seen the rear taper to the body on the Honda Insight hybrid cars designed for high fuel mileage ...... it sort of recalls the polliwog shape of the Summers Brothers streamliner
/html/land-speed/2005-11/msg00092.html (8,925 bytes)

51. Re: fun shaping sheet metal with explosives (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 15:48:32 EST
Neil, Bryan : There is a lady artist in either New Mexico or Arizona, not sure which, that puts copper sheeting in the dies she has crafted, and then she lines a string of them up, out in a secluded
/html/land-speed/2005-11/msg00185.html (7,560 bytes)

52. Re: Chassis Cushion & Tie Downs ~ (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 15:46:03 EDT
Neil A. wrote : A friend of mine is a retired Chrysler designer. He said that a few years ago Chrysler was tying their cars down so tight on their transporters that they frequently arrived at a deale
/html/land-speed/2005-10/msg00009.html (6,854 bytes)

53. Re: Aluminum Trailers ~ Race car frames, too ...... (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 20:43:16 EDT
Hey Glen ~ Speaking of using aluminum( aluminium in the UK, and maybe down under, too )for constructing trailers ...... how about for race car frames ? Do you remember Archie Leiderbrand's 'Hypersoni
/html/land-speed/2005-10/msg00187.html (8,450 bytes)

54. Longtime Rodder Ermie Immerso Cars / Parts Auction (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 19:43:20 EDT
Hey Jim ~ I hope this helps you ... you've still got a week yet to call Ermie was truly an accomplished builder and LSR racer ! Bruce back here in CT ......... From: "Bonneville 200 MPH Club" <2club@
/html/land-speed/2005-10/msg00204.html (7,721 bytes)

55. Re: There's somthing wrong here ( Oil / Gas Pricing ) (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 14:36:51 EDT
Very good commentary you made there, Tom ....... Most of us just naturally tend to bitch and moan about the ' high price' of our gasoline, fuel oil, and other associated products that we know are dir
/html/land-speed/2005-10/msg00267.html (9,289 bytes)

56. Re: There's something wrong here ......... (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 09:01:34 EDT
Hi John, I'm glad you stated that a barrel of oil is 43 Gallons. Many people think that a barrel of oil is 55 gallons, as I did for many years, but ' not so ' in the US petroleum business ...... Bein
/html/land-speed/2005-10/msg00293.html (7,054 bytes)

57. Re: There's something wrong here ~ Changing Energy Costs Change (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 15:50:53 EDT
You're right, Bryan, on Dave's take on priorities ...... he has it correct, at least in my opinion. Having lived in New England most of my days, I'm also thinking the list guys with their priorities
/html/land-speed/2005-10/msg00311.html (8,066 bytes)

58. Look at the Flip Side, Jon ......( WOS Cancellation ) (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 22:33:12 EDT
Hey Jon, I realize that everyone planning on racing at, or just attending, the World of Speed meet out there is quite disappointed to say the least ....... but just consider this : All of those raind
/html/land-speed/2005-09/msg00043.html (8,558 bytes)

59. Re: Chassis Cushion and Tie Downs (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:07:33 EDT
Dick -- Most new cars for years now have chintzy-looking but adequate( ? ) "pad eyes" of a sort, built onto the four corners underside ........ chain binders and chains hook to these to hold 'em down
/html/land-speed/2005-09/msg00294.html (7,548 bytes)

60. Re: NON LSR Suport?? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 19:14:00 EDT
Glen ...... Somebody has already built and used a motorized,rolling bar with 5 or 6 seats, at either El Mirage or Bonneville ...... maybe it has been to both ....... I never saw it, myself, at either
/html/land-speed/2005-08/msg00007.html (7,973 bytes)

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