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Total 641 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Nish Motor / Exhaust Tunes ~ (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 14:51:45 EDT
Bryan ...... Did you ever get to hear the famous Speed Sport II Roadster at the drags back in the Sixties ? They didn't call it "Old Noisy" for nothing ! Most anyone who ever heard its' exhaust thund
/html/land-speed/2006-10/msg00016.html (8,364 bytes)

2. Re: MGs To Be Built in China ? What's NEXT ??? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 17:24:07 EDT
What's next ??? There is a recent book called "China Rising" that can give all of us a preview of things to come ....... Let's just say that the world our children and grandchildren will live and wor
/html/land-speed/2006-10/msg00022.html (9,941 bytes)

3. Re: Nish Motor / Exhaust Tunes ~ (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 18:11:57 EDT
Neil, I talked at length with Red Greth at the Bakersfield Hot Rod reunion a few years back ...... he had a great clone of the Speed Sport Roadster there, steel body and all, but it was re-done as a
/html/land-speed/2006-10/msg00026.html (8,103 bytes)

4. Billions of People ~ What is a BILLION of Anything ??? NON (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 18:56:52 EDT
** What is a billion ??? ** The next time you hear a politician use the word "billion" in a casual manner, think about whether you want the "politicians" spending your tax money. A billion is a diffi
/html/land-speed/2006-10/msg00030.html (7,247 bytes)

5. Re: Engine assembly goo : Rough-It-Up with Down-the-Hatch ! (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 13:47:09 EDT
Hey Neil ...... I first saw that 'mild abrasive into the intake trick' done waaaay back when I was a teenaged parts cleaner & 'go-fer' for some older friends running a roundy-round car at the local o
/html/land-speed/2006-10/msg00448.html (8,247 bytes)

6. Former list guy tells me even Chevrolet used the powdered (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 19:48:14 EDT
List: One of our former regulars here wrote this about the ring-seating deal ( snip ) ...... I only got your reply to this thread (I lost track of landspeed and Spridgets on autox a couple years ago.
/html/land-speed/2006-10/msg00460.html (7,731 bytes)

7. Re: World of Speed and The Worlds Fastest Sunbeam (wannabe) (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 12:16:04 EDT
Nice Going, Mayf !!! Best of Luck and Ever-Increasing Speeds on All of your GO GET 'EM, Tige ........ errr, I mean, SUNBEAM !!! Bruce, thinking you can drop that 'wannabe' handle after this meet !
/html/land-speed/2006-09/msg00174.html (7,064 bytes)

8. Meanwhile, FoMoCo plans layoffs of 70,000 or more auto workers (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 23:38:11 EDT
Initial projected goal for engines alone to be 250,000 per year : Word's come down from the People's 'Public of China: The first Chinese-built MG will roll off the line, completely without irony, on
/html/land-speed/2006-09/msg00230.html (7,444 bytes)

9. Latest Fad: Stealing Tailgates from Trucks ... NON LSR; just a (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 12:36:37 EDT
I'm posting this as so many on this list have trucks for towing & hauling parts ~ BDF * In Today's News : Tailgate Theft On the Rise * Theft of third-row seats and tailgates from American-made trucks
/html/land-speed/2006-09/msg00236.html (8,535 bytes)

10. Re: Glen... don't you even... (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 13:09:30 EDT
Neil wrote, "stainless tends to gall badly ..... " How Very True ! I learned this lesson the hard way one Sunday evening, after a fun day at the drag races, back in the early 60s ...... I went to rem
/html/land-speed/2006-08/msg00018.html (8,484 bytes)

11. Increased Interest in Land Speed Racing ~ part 1 (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 17:35:08 EDT
Wes, You are absolutely right on target: World's Fastest Indian undoubtedly brought a lot of newcomers to the Salt this year ! I think we should also have to give a lot of the credit for increased at
/html/land-speed/2006-08/msg00286.html (7,930 bytes)

12. Increased Interest in Land Speed Racing ~ part 2 (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 17:38:17 EDT
THANKFULLY, Bonneville and Land Speed Racing coverage can now be found once again in the 'grandaddy' of all hot rod magazines .... and I think some folks on this list that take a lot of good-natured
/html/land-speed/2006-08/msg00287.html (7,742 bytes)

13. Bret Kepner's View on Increased Attendance at Speedweek ( Part (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:51:40 EDT
Guys, I hate to argue any positive point about Bonneville but I'll make an exception. As much as we all loved the film and the exposure it gained for the salt, "The World's Fastest Indian" was a cert
/html/land-speed/2006-08/msg00397.html (8,498 bytes)

14. Bret Kepner's View on Increased Attendance at Speedweek '06 ( (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:56:40 EDT
It was electronic communication, namely the 'Net, which finally gave the layman an opportunity to find out the "when and where" information which kept the SCTA on par with the Tri-Lateral Commission
/html/land-speed/2006-08/msg00398.html (8,590 bytes)

15. Businesses of NHRA and NASCAR ~ Both NOT what they once were (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 15:00:01 EDT
NHRA has stood for No Hot Rods Allowed for much longer than 'now'.....since about the late Sixties, or certainly by the Seventies. Ask anybody on this list, and there are quite a few of us who have b
/html/land-speed/2006-07/msg00187.html (8,741 bytes)

16. Businesses of NHRA and NASCAR ....... part 2 (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2006 15:05:34 EDT
I believe this is a subject many of us 'greybeards' could rant-on about for hours, but suffice it to say that the racing world has changed GREATLY since the 'big money boys' got involved in BOTH venu
/html/land-speed/2006-07/msg00189.html (8,590 bytes)

17. RE: temps. ..... naaah, about Reefers (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 21:56:32 EDT
Hey Glen ..... You're giving away your age, mine, and a bunch of others here with the term Ice Box or Ice Chest ...... younger folks grew up with the 'Fridge' and never saw the ice man every week ...
/html/land-speed/2006-07/msg00369.html (7,649 bytes)

18. Re: NON-lsr--heat wave (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 17:48:39 EDT
Glen, It must have also reached the ground there in St. George the time I saw a house, or several, slide into your local river and float away ...... on the national news. You traded the chance of ear
/html/land-speed/2006-07/msg00532.html (7,997 bytes)

19. Re: Welding Aluminum (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 09:09:04 EDT
Jon, Welding aluminum( aluminium, across the pond )is an ART...... not easily mastered by most of us mere mortals ...... do it right, with TIG. As to your choice of a good TIG welding machine,again,
/html/land-speed/2006-06/msg00106.html (8,716 bytes)

20. Re: Quitting the Smokestack Habit ....... (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 12:51:35 EDT
Thanks for those words to the wise, Tom ...... the experiences related here on our list about smoking, plus my own personal observations for my entire lifetime, make me aware once again I made the ri
/html/land-speed/2006-06/msg00469.html (7,561 bytes)

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