Hey Jim, I remember the Cuda. My first trip to the salt was for the '92 speedweek. We were trying to decide what kind of car to build. I have video of your car SCREAMING down the salt. What a neat, c
Yes, but the first days of the ECTA had to be similar to SCTA. I timed the first ever event from the hood of my truck in Moultrie. I also timed the next 2 years pretty much solo from a steel scaffold
19" in Burlington, NC. Shoveling snow is a pain if you are not used to it. Couldn't help wondering (while cleaning the driveway) wouldn't a snowblower with a supercharged small block be great about n
What a great job. It's people like you that make this org. great. We can all look back and see our results. Thanks for a job.wwwell.done!!!!!! Jim Bodenheimer ECTA #122
Try a 307 block with a 283 crank bored .060 over. Gives you 296 cid and gobs of rpm. My motor had absolutely no low end grunt but after 5 grand, hang on. The only reason I went away from that motor
Merry Christmas List! Hope everyone has a great holiday!! Jim Bodenheimer and Family (Lori, Joseph, Joshua, Jazmin and Nathan)-hey if I can race, anybody can!!!!!!
He may be right Chuck. Delaware is so small, he had to bring his race car to maxton in the BED of his truck, not on a trailer. Also serves as a great coffee table. Jim (From North Carolina - Hi yall)
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I really enjoy the list and thanks to those who set it up. What a great resource for tech information as well as a great bunch of people to bench race with. Jim Bodenheimer
Hey Randy, Think you are on the right track. I have a sunbird (basically vega). I have over 45 runs at Maxton with a best of 148.515. I started with the original 4 banger with over 150,000 miles. Wha