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References: [ 23 ]

Total 23 documents matching your query.

21. Re: TR4's On Speedvision (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 20:00:14 +1100
HS6 SU Carbies and rejetting. Hey Jack are you out thee young fella. I am in trouble! I took your suggestion and had new jet @.104 and new needles you suggested. However, I noticed that when I pout t
/html/fot/2001-02/msg00091.html (7,747 bytes)

22. Re: TR4's On Speedvision (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 22:43:17 +1100
Ian 777 here. You are not going to believe what my problems was. As I had got new gets and all, they came with a rubber seal to seal the flow of fuel from the float bowl to the jet. However, for rea
/html/fot/2001-02/msg00092.html (7,753 bytes)

23. Tyre Pressure (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 19:33:04 +1100
Hi FOT, Currently waiting on Moss for a shim head gasket, so thought I would see if someone out there knows a bit about tyre (tire) pressures etc. Currently have Yok. A800R 195/15 for the track. I ru
/html/fot/2001-02/msg00141.html (7,233 bytes)

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