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Total 23 documents matching your query.

1. GT6 - FIA (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie - Home Email" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 06:28:59 +1000
Hi gang, A few years ago (early nineties I think BMC (I presume) reassigned the FIA classification of the GT6 - can any one tell me what was the GT6 FIA Homolgation by Triumph originally and if so it
/html/fot/2003-07/msg00185.html (6,626 bytes)

2. racing!! (score: 1)
Author: "Ian" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 19:55:16 +1100
Hi all, Just thought I would let everyone know that one of our members (Tony Dains) got a first place in a recent handicap event at Historics at Phillip Island in Ozzie. This meeting is now the bigge
/html/fot/2003-03/msg00133.html (7,298 bytes)

3. Axles inter alia (score: 1)
Author: "Ian" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 14:35:35 +1000
Guys, Although I have already given this info earlier... to fix your problem, provided you have good eng. shop somewhere close by do what we did with SuperssSpit here in Oz, after reaming out two set
/html/fot/2002-08/msg00087.html (6,512 bytes)

4. Superspit! (score: 1)
Author: "Ian" <>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 00:20:51 +1000
Hi all, Well it has been a long time since I ventured to the FOT keyboard! Mind you much has transpired and I have maintained my careful interest in all that goes on... some of it a load of crap mind
/html/fot/2002-04/msg00186.html (11,529 bytes)

5. Slow progress.... (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 20:39:49 +1100
Hi again all, Just thought I would let you know we are still plodding on with the 'Super Spit'. Unfortunately we were let down by our piston maker here in Oz, waited 16 weeks, and ended up with under
/html/fot/2001-11/msg00149.html (8,094 bytes)

6. American Tragedy (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 18:47:26 +1000
Having returned home via Dubai some hours before the Attack on America I sat down to watch in horror the as events unfolded. Reminded that only a few hours before while in England I had been a victim
/html/fot/2001-09/msg00082.html (6,671 bytes)

7. Superspit! (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 21:16:01 +1000
Hi Guys, Still plodding on with Superspit, getting down to the tech. stuff now like wheels. Because our historic racing rules are so strict we are limited to 13x5 wheel. I have actually found some ni
/html/fot/2001-09/msg00157.html (6,993 bytes)

8. Smiths tach (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 20:10:12 +1000
Hi fellow FOTers', Just been given by my friend and mentor (Chris Swingler) his 10,000 RPM Smiths tach he ran in his Spitfire back in the seventies. I am privileged! The tach has no markings other th
/html/fot/2001-08/msg00063.html (7,372 bytes)

9. Diff hunting (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 22:33:31 +1000
Hi fellow FOTers' Well we are progressing 'SuperSpit!!! Got to painting tonight, what fun, etch filler, primer, then base then color then clear.... Wow... Still Triumph racing yellow # 102 is great c
/html/fot/2001-08/msg00199.html (7,037 bytes)

10. test (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 18:36:21 +1000
Hi all, Sorry to be a pest but this is third or fourth effort today to contact members and/or FOT and especially Cary (EISANDIEGO) any one out there? Ian 777
/html/fot/2001-06/msg00071.html (6,131 bytes)

11. Thanks (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 19:01:20 +1000
Thanks for all your responses and explanation as to why I may not be hearing from Cary Ian 777
/html/fot/2001-06/msg00074.html (6,055 bytes)

12. Springs and things. (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 18:55:53 +1000
Hi All. We ll we are progressing the Spitty somewhat body stripped and repairs begun and done and underside painted Triumph Racing yellow BTW. The engine is taking shake although still waiting on Cro
/html/fot/2001-06/msg00152.html (7,072 bytes)

13. SuperSpit (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 18:50:46 +1000
Hi fellow FOT'ers, We are progressing the Super Spit nicely thanks. Have got to the bear metal (finally), after finding a bog factory owner must have repaired it at one time. Still, buyer beware I gu
/html/fot/2001-06/msg00285.html (7,095 bytes)

14. Spitty (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 18:52:08 +1000
Hi everyone, Our illustrious fellow member Tony Dains informed me recently that a book let worth getting is the : "Triumph Spitfire competition preparation and stage tuning by Standard Triumph sales
/html/fot/2001-05/msg00000.html (6,569 bytes)

15. Spitty Rods (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 09:34:07 +1000
Hi All, Anyone can help me with some Carillo rods for the 1300 Spitty we are getting ready for historic racing. We are going to run forged pistons Ian 777
/html/fot/2001-05/msg00150.html (6,158 bytes)

16. Sprockets (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 08:23:48 +1000
Hi guys and gals, Back to the Spitty again. Had a interesting experience with Carillo I will enlighten later. In the meantime, as we want to run duplex timing chain, found out TR6 crack is much large
/html/fot/2001-05/msg00210.html (6,408 bytes)

17. Spitty (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 21:34:34 +1000
Well boys, ... and girl: we finally run the Spitty at Winton (short track) today. With a warm up so to speak yesterday. Unfortunately, because I had not registered for yesterday in accordance with AL
/html/fot/2001-04/msg00000.html (8,989 bytes)

18. Re: TR4A/TR6 (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 18:55:01 +1100
Tomorrow (Monday) I will begin the task of tuning the 4A . Right now she's running, but missing badly under load... cant work out why yet. Have had dizzy redone and got 270 advance. So where should I
/html/fot/2001-03/msg00021.html (7,281 bytes)

19. Spitty Mk iii (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 17:51:32 +1100
Hi all, In addition to my 4A which I just emailed young jack about, I am also on the verge of picking up a warm Spitty Mk III. Got O/D, mild cam, electronic ignition etc. Don't know yet whether there
/html/fot/2001-03/msg00067.html (6,611 bytes)

20. Spitty Mk III (score: 1)
Author: "Ian Cowie" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 06:15:55 +1100
Does anyone have 'Cas' spec for the Spitty. I am told he could get 120+ HP from one of them little beauties. I sure would like to have a crack at doing that. Determined to take a very serious look at
/html/fot/2001-03/msg00068.html (6,364 bytes)

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