Pathetic, but apparently par for the course for this poster. It's patently false to think that a liberal would have done any better in this crisis than this administration. In all likelihood Clinton
Some people on this list are really amazing, as you may agree (or not, it's your choice). Some seem obligated to send direct responses to list postings in response to the patently false and "OT" asse
You meant to send this to the list, right? Here, let me do it for you. Seems you'd rather have the nation and world screwed by W and his incompetent band of cronies.
After more than a decade, Rove ought to know his boss' limitations real well by now..... As I understand it, "Mandatory" was contingent on a disaster declaration. No one seems to dispute that the eva
It's true, some folks really should not be on the list. I'll let the admin decide. -- Original Message -- Subject: Re: way OT, and patently false Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 08:29:17 -0500 From: Eric Frisb
What is "going on", is serial misrepresentation, which when corrected, results in the follow-on serial receipt of profanity laced direct email, from several list participants. Those parties have no
Sounds like a shredded or shredding clutch friction surface. Had that occur long ago on mine. A rivet failed and a slice of the worn friction surface was flogging the interior of the bell housing, mo
Best of luck at the Nationals, Andy. Go get 'em! Hopefully, that tingling sensation will not cause problems afterwards -- you know, handling the trophy. - Bob
This regulator component produces from a switched 12/14VDC input a pulsed 0-12/14VDC output averaging 6-7VDC that powers the fuel and temp gauges. My **guess** is that bypassing with straight 12-14V