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Total 5 documents matching your query.

1. Heads (score: 1)
Author: William L Leacock <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 18:38:13 -0500
Simon writes- A friend of mine in Perth Australia is looking for a pair of 1964 Alloy Buick Cylinder heads Dose anyone have a spare pair they would like to sell or swap. I have some Rover heads from
/html/buick-rover-v8/2002-11/msg00008.html (6,411 bytes)

2. Distributor (score: 1)
Author: William L Leacock <>
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 17:33:30 -0400
Phillipe - the earleir Rover engines had a short dist shaft and a longer oil pump shaft, sometime around the mid to late seventies they changed the oil pump gear to a longer one, shortened the oil pu
/html/buick-rover-v8/2002-08/msg00004.html (6,659 bytes)

3. 4.0 Engine- parts interchangeability (score: 1)
Author: William L Leacock <>
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 21:21:23 -0400
I have been given a low mileage Rover 4.0 cross bolted block, crankshaft and pistons as a short motor assembly. I have a complete 3.5 litre Rover engine, how many of the 3.5 litre parts can I use to
/html/buick-rover-v8/2002-05/msg00014.html (7,274 bytes)

4. Re: 4.0 Engine- parts interchangeability (score: 1)
Author: William L Leacock <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 16:34:02 -0400
I have a 1973 Range Rover and an early eighties SD1 fuel injected motor (non metric threads!) Bill Regards from Western New York State Bill Leacock. /// /// mailing list
/html/buick-rover-v8/2002-05/msg00019.html (7,707 bytes)

5. Rumour (score: 1)
Author: William L Leacock <>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 11:09:54 -0400
Glen writes I've heard from a couple of sources that GM is trying to buy the rights for the 215/3-litre V8 back from Rover and that Rover doesn't want to sell. Why on earth would GM want to buy back
/html/buick-rover-v8/2001-08/msg00013.html (6,810 bytes)

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