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Total 20 documents matching your query.

1. impressions of a 12 year old (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 93 08:56:24 -0700
Did you ever wonder what kind of impression your little British car creates in the mind of a 12 year old kid? I got my rude awakening this morning! My daughter's school has continued the path of cost
/html/british-cars/1993-06/msg00247.html (7,577 bytes)

2. LBC sets world record 0-60 (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 93 09:45:38 -0700
Well, we get back bragging rights! There was an article in the latest Fast Lane magazine on the magazine's efforts to set the world's record 0 to 60 mph record. The record is validated by Guiness and
/html/british-cars/1993-06/msg00618.html (7,673 bytes)

3. Scott Fischer seen (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 92 10:47:22 -0800
I saw Scott last night. I ran into him at a local restaurant with his family. Scott uses his wonderful writing ability to review restaurants for the local newpapers and was chowing down to some good
/html/british-cars/1992-12/msg00022.html (6,520 bytes)

4. Lotus prices (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 92 14:35:26 -0800
The latest Golden Gate chapter of the club has these wonder British cars for sale: 1968 Elan S4 SE roadster (415) 965-1138 1974 Europa Twin Cam (916) 342-9830 $14,950 1986 Turbo Esprit (818) 969-6018
/html/british-cars/1992-11/msg00205.html (6,699 bytes)

5. British Cars in the Silverstate 100 (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 16:38:06 -0700
I published my entire account of the Blublocker Silverstate 100 in four parts mostly to the exotic car and wheel to wheel racing lists. If there is interest, let me know and I can send it to individu
/html/british-cars/1992-09/msg00442.html (7,517 bytes)

6. Caterham for sale... (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 92 08:49:41 -0700
Nope, not mine... I saw the ad in the Los Angles region Lotus newsletter: Caterham 8K miles Crossflow Hewland limited slip full weather gear (714) 899-2772 oh, and the best part...$15,000 / OBO I lik
/html/british-cars/1992-08/msg00065.html (6,407 bytes)

7. component (kit) cars (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 92 09:07:14 -0700
I noticed a little traffic concerning the British kit car industry and also noticed that Westfield Seven was mentioned. As a Caterham owner, I frequently get defensive when people pull up to me at a
/html/british-cars/1992-08/msg00237.html (9,702 bytes)

8. Re: British Cars Digest #546 Wed Aug 12 17:20:44 MDT 1992 (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 92 10:40:11 -0700
Philip asks some questions about the deDion rear and I can try and answer a couple: On the tops of the hub carriers on the ends of the deDion tube, right? (yes) Mounted to the middle bottom of the de
/html/british-cars/1992-08/msg00288.html (9,635 bytes)

9. Caterham and other Super Sevens (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 92 13:01:12 -0700
I was going to respond in private but several proddings about what it would be like and what should you expect when owning a Super Seven. Scott Fisher, frequent contributor here, is the one responsib
/html/british-cars/1992-07/msg00021.html (8,341 bytes)

10. deDion rears as in Caterhams (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 92 10:02:38 -0700
I am so excited that Mike is looking for a Caterham. I will finally have someone to comiserate with (or get excited with as the case may be). The deDion rear on the Caterham is a English Ford Sierra
/html/british-cars/1992-07/msg00588.html (8,435 bytes)

11. re: deDion rears as in Caterhams (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 92 16:11:44 -0700
Mike asks if the reason for moving to a deDion rear was to help the ride on the Super Seven. This is a tough thing to justify, putting the deDion on this car. I just read an article on the latest Cat
/html/british-cars/1992-07/msg00609.html (8,264 bytes)

12. Lotus Meet and Sevens (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 92 11:34:24 -0700
Lotus West Coast Meet The Golden Gate Lotus Club hosted the annual gathering of the Lotus enthusiasts last weekend. I attended the opening seminars, the open track day at Sears Point, and the first b
/html/british-cars/1992-06/msg00022.html (11,772 bytes)

13. TR-6 being done by British Heritage (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 08:34:39 -0700
I was surprised no one mentioned this. In the latest Autoweek, there is an article about the manufacturing of the body shell, similar to what was done recently with the MG and Midget. The cost is aro
/html/british-cars/1992-06/msg00134.html (6,809 bytes)

14. fuel pumps, a contrary opinion (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 93 11:31:31 -0800
I have 40DCOE Webers on the Super Seven and wanted to go more reliable on the pump. I have owned a late model Corvette, autox'd it with little fuel in the tank, and had to replace the fuel pump in it
/html/british-cars/1992-01/msg00224.html (7,784 bytes)

15. Scott Fisher #1 sighted (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 93 15:04:38 -0800
I was tickled to see the remembering going on about Scott. I have always enjoyed his writing, both here on the net and a local restaurant review column he does for the local rag. He was instrumental
/html/british-cars/1992-01/msg00451.html (6,860 bytes)

16. Re: Safety Fast - That includes working on them! (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 91 09:39:22 -0800
Sorry, neither happened with my Super Seven but both are lessons I was tuning my Z in a garage and thought the car was in neutral I reached through the window and started it to check the timing. The
/html/british-cars/1991-12/msg00074.html (9,978 bytes)

17. Re: Compression (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 91 10:29:51 -0700
I say a notification in a British Car Magazine that Union 76 is again going to be selling 100 octane fuel! This should help some of you that insist on performance. Just do not let the insurance compa
/html/british-cars/1991-10/msg00450.html (7,032 bytes)

18. Re: Desk Toys (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 91 12:26:09 -0700
I have pictures of my Seven, my NSX with my pregnant wife leaning up aginst it, and a GT 40. I have the Seven because when the topic comes up, no one seems to know what they look like. I have the NS
/html/british-cars/1991-08/msg00072.html (7,847 bytes)

19. Re: MGA mk II ad (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 91 10:11:30 -0700
Concerning the ad that Larry posted on the MGA car in parts condition for sale... I recently met Eric and told him about us. I suggested he get on the list and sent a request to that effect. Eric, ar
/html/british-cars/1991-08/msg00096.html (6,752 bytes)

20. electronic ignition (score: 1)
Author: Michael Sands <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 91 08:57:07 -0800
Well it finally happened. I thought my car would be different. I would never have electrical problems.... I have a Lucas electronic ignition. It blew during extensive cranking to start, mostly becaus
/html/british-cars/1991-01/msg00298.html (7,462 bytes)

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