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References: [ +from:JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU: 6 ]

Total 6 documents matching your query.

1. repost: 1968 austin station wagon for sale (score: 1)
Author: Joel Walker <JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 21:54:44 CDT
i saw this in and thought it might be more appropriately posted 1968 Austin 1100 Countryman Station Wagon, clean, good tires, chrome, in good shape, runs well; spare engines, transmissions,
/html/british-cars/1994-10/msg00012.html (7,035 bytes)

2. 4th Annual British Car Day (Mobile, AL) (score: 1)
Author: Joel Walker <JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 12:29:19 CDT
<posting for a friend> SOUTH ALABAMA BRITISH CAR CLUB (A Chapter of the North American MGB Register) 4th ANNUAL BRITISH CAR DAY October 1, 1994 USS Battleship Alabama Memorial Park Classes of Cars: A
/html/british-cars/1994-10/msg00042.html (8,612 bytes)

3. repost: 1968 austin station wagon for sale (score: 1)
Author: Joel Walker <JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 94 21:54:44 CDT
i saw this in and thought it might be more appropriately posted 1968 Austin 1100 Countryman Station Wagon, clean, good tires, chrome, in good shape, runs well; spare engines, transmissions,
/html/british-cars/1994-08/msg00277.html (7,035 bytes)

4. 4th Annual British Car Day (Mobile, AL) (score: 1)
Author: Joel Walker <JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 12:29:19 CDT
<posting for a friend> SOUTH ALABAMA BRITISH CAR CLUB (A Chapter of the North American MGB Register) 4th ANNUAL BRITISH CAR DAY October 1, 1994 USS Battleship Alabama Memorial Park Classes of Cars: A
/html/british-cars/1994-08/msg00307.html (8,612 bytes)

5. wicker picnic basket (score: 1)
Author: Joel Walker <JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Date: Mon, 09 May 94 20:50:02 CDT
someone posted a note about wanting a wicker picnic basket for their roadster. as luck would have it, i was searching for something else and found such a basket advertised in the Girots' Garage catal
/html/british-cars/1994-05/msg00239.html (7,763 bytes)

6. info conc. jaguar xk-120/140/150 (score: 1)
Author: joel walker <JWALKER@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 93 19:25:58 CST
i've been lurking on the list for quite a while, and have moved just one more small step toward thinking about the possibility of buying a small british sports car. why? beats the heck outa me. be t
/html/british-cars/1993-12/msg00597.html (6,715 bytes)

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