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References: [ 163 ]

Total 163 documents matching your query.

161. Speedo. adjustment on TR6 (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 91 14:25:29 EDT
-- Gabor asks about adjust the speedometer (or speedomometer from the guy I bought my car from): It's easy to adjust it, but hard to get it back to the right place afterwards. When I got my TR6, it
/html/british-cars/1991-08/msg00239.html (7,616 bytes)

162. TRF summer party and VTR weekend (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 14:39:54 EDT
-- Did I miss some summaries on these two events or are the people who went to these still on vacation? I really would be interested in hearing some reports on the events, so I can find out how much
/html/british-cars/1991-08/msg00294.html (7,115 bytes)

163. gearbox on 1500 midget (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 91 16:48:37 EDT
-- Now that my TR6 is in pretty decent running condition, I'm getting kind of anxious to tackle some problems with my midget. I thought that someone posted a way to coax the gearbox out, without rem
/html/british-cars/1991-08/msg00297.html (7,320 bytes)

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