I should apologize? For running a very old car? Even when it won its first championship, somewhere in the mid-80s, it was 20 plus years old. :) Sheesh, it's always our fault. :) And, yes, Colin promi
Could you say that SCCA rulemakers made Russ feel unwelcome? :) Glad to see he's still playing...some of us never do grow up, or find ways to feel young. --Pat K -- <rex_tener@yahoo.com>
You're right, it was 1976, in the combo C something Ladies class. The next three were in D Prepared. I have a reference book, Rocky Entriken's volume that lists everyone who ever entered at the natio
Mr. Chapman got the 7A homogated in 1961 for SCCA racing. SCCA bought the idea as it needed some cars. When I raced this particular 7A there were at least 27 others just like it on the grid (at Sears
However, there is a caveat: If you check the box for no results, no results is the resul--until Jerry gets them up on the web. (unless you earn a checkered flag--Pat K --
We divide the year into two series, the Regional Championship Series (the long, maybe 18-event series), and the Slush Series (shorter). The champ series ends just prior to the trip to Nationals, and
Actually, the run groups are on the web, just click on the schedule, go to Round 7, and they are exactly the same as the schedule printed on your set of results you received in the mail (if you wante
If you note Katie Kelly's absence at this weekends' events, it's because she crashed her bike, and suffered a broken collar bone and concussion. She's presently at the Santa Rosa Hospital, due to be
You're tongue is firmly planted in your cheek, right? You don't recognize a Porsche 914/6 GT? David Colman is the driver and long-time autocrosser, and has had this car since it was new. --Pat Kelly
That's not even funny! I'm sick and tired of the bad publicity on Stockton...My only negatives on it include the smallish lot size, sort of bumpy site (not nearly as bad as Candlestick), and the neig