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References: [ 7 ]

Total 7 documents matching your query.

1. Re: how do i get fronts as hot as rears? (score: 1)
Author: kirk <>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 21:47:41 -0800
Hi James You could have me co-drive the car. Its guaranteed. Or you can do some hard freeway driving before the event to heat up the wheel which helps, or smaller wheel and tire combo(no), or get tir
/html/ba-autox/2001-11/msg00287.html (9,210 bytes)

2. My Baby Racer (score: 1)
Author: kirk <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 21:17:47 -0800
Hey Everyone: Victoria gave birth to a baby boy on Sunday at 4pm. He is 6 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches. Big feet too. Like his Dad. I can't wait to start his racer training. Oh, his name is Logan K
/html/ba-autox/2001-11/msg00646.html (7,112 bytes)

3. Re: Powder coating (score: 1)
Author: kirk <>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 22:55:58 -0800
I'm glad you brought that up. My cousin has a powder coating business in Sacramento. I asked him about it at Thanksgiving and he was definitely into it. Call him or even e-mail him about prices and d
/html/ba-autox/2001-11/msg00653.html (6,991 bytes)

4. Re: Sushi run Sunday or Monday @ Nationals (score: 1)
Author: kirk <>
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2001 20:47:51 -0700
Hi Charlie I have been working insane hours and can't pay attention but if anyone needs to talk to me call 408-431-2113cell. Good luck to everyone going to Nats. I am driving solo. Leaving tomorrow.
/html/ba-autox/2001-09/msg00104.html (8,089 bytes)

5. Re: In other news... (score: 1)
Author: kirk <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 23:00:25 -0700
If Kevin gets his SUV in, I'll enter my Expedition for the Ford side. SUV WAR. Kirk
/html/ba-autox/2001-08/msg00159.html (8,051 bytes)

6. Re: Round 17 DNFs (score: 1)
Author: kirk <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 20:37:43 -0700
I didn't see that "maginot line" anywhere. It was just a blurr of cones to me. Can you take me for a ride to point it out? Kirk
/html/ba-autox/2001-08/msg00188.html (9,664 bytes)

7. Re: where to find battery cable? (score: 1)
Author: kirk <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 21:52:29 -0700
I know this is a little late but a welding supply store is the best place to good battery cable. I bought about 25 feet of the good stuff from a store and had about a foot and a half left over from f
/html/ba-autox/2001-08/msg00309.html (8,341 bytes)

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