But then BMW events include lunch! -- if you sign up and pay ahead of time. .....Gary Another thing about these events- you think it's great that a cone is worth only 1 second, but they use these idd
Sometimes order is important. You got it right this time. .....Gary << ...but I have kissed the Blarney Stone, a fine Irish colleen, and a pint of Guinness on the same day, and it does something to
Yes. Why does is seem that those boring talks invariably end up talking about who has the longest, the widest or the biggest -- whether is be Golf, Fishing, Cricket, Bowling or ... (fill in the blank
Yes, Plus putting the spurs on the buggers tiny legs must be tricky. << it's bad enough with cock fighting, dog fighting, human fighting, and so on. And now you're telling me there are CRICKET matche
BMWCCA SFR autoXs allow preregistration to guarantee you a spot. They limit number of cars to 95? And to know how many lunches to order. Drive-ons to my knowledge are accepted, but pay more and don'
How 'bout you put your helmet on backwards :) .....Gary P.S. is your vette killer in yet? << Bummer! And think that I've been practicing all year long by not looking ahead! All for nothing! --Navid
<< Someone needs to get out there with a bunch of white paint and add some additional paint lines at random intervals. That'd pretty much take care of that.
When I used to be in the Navy I was stationed in the mid 1980s at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pax River MD. My family and I lived in on-base in Quarters Q on the "Gold Coast" -- 40 or so houses that were
We saw the IMAX version of it in the Luxor in Las Vegas about 3 years ago. Truly awesome. The best part was watching everyone in front of you lean and jerk in unison! Also I seem to remember during t
I agree with the Katie's advice but arrive at if from a different angle. First, your mind can only retain five discreet memory "bits" at one instant in time b& also a scientific fact. From the Theore