- 61. Re: RX7TT - - automatic?? (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 18:33:18 -0600
- Maybe not such a good deal at $8500. Oh, well. It sounded good!! G auto
- /html/autox/1999-11/msg01262.html (7,139 bytes)
- 62. Personal Interests (was Swaybars) (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 04:43:48 -0500
- I have never seen a ruling that has ever HURT a single SEB member in the interest of the masses, have you?? The one nearest to my heart was the merging of AP and FP while Karen Babb (then AP) was a m
- /html/autox/1999-10/msg00847.html (7,918 bytes)
- 63. RE: no dishes allowed at my condo (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 04:42:43 -0500
- I am interested in the discussion about Speedvision (especially since they are the only televised medium even considering airing any autocross content). However, the points about it reaching only abo
- /html/autox/1999-10/msg01022.html (9,477 bytes)
- 64. Re: Speedvision Q & As (might be long) (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 06:49:26 -0500
- What about the second largest "dish" network? They showed Speedvision for about a week, then it was yanked due to contractural issues (so we are told). Good points, but again, why not the Dish Networ
- /html/autox/1999-10/msg01191.html (8,345 bytes)
- 65. NOT one of the 900 (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 07:09:42 -0500
- First, let me tell you about how well I was able to keep the TLS (Team Laughing Stock - - ) tradition at the Pikes Peak National Tour a couple weeks ago. After struggling all season to get the car to
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00258.html (9,624 bytes)
- 66. Re: The "New" G-Stock (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 05:36:36 -0500
- Are you trying to say no member of the SEB, SCAC (or PAC) has never had ulterior motives when casting a vote, or when introducing an issue ?? That they are above using their "clout" to make something
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00443.html (7,616 bytes)
- 67. Re: Shhhh! while they're busy at the Nationals. . . (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 05:31:21 -0500
- Since the X19 is a 2 seater, then I guess a 1984 Fiero (although much heavier) could be considered - - - with a 375lb/300hp Northstar V8 - - (also mid engined)?? I've driven one - - awesome (scary, e
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00758.html (7,211 bytes)
- 68. Re: Shhhh! while they're busy at the Nationals. . . (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 19:33:42 -0500
- Do I know your local Fiero fella?? This conversion is becoming very common in the Fiero community, and is becoming known as the type engine combo that GM should have put in the Fiero, instead of kill
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00789.html (8,360 bytes)
- 69. Re: AP as viewed from fourth place (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 05:46:43 -0500
- Good Job, Tom!!! And everybody on this list thought I was on a rant a few weeks back when it was announced there would be grey and black market cars, and kit cars added to the class next year (Y2K -
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00886.html (11,937 bytes)
- 70. Fw: AP for 2000, was: AP as viewed from fourth place (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 11:49:17 -0500
- Were you at last years Town Hall?? Where a couple Mazda drivers and others from AP (FP, actually) that were running in EM in protest, and others (besides my wife and myself) that did not even enter t
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00895.html (11,556 bytes)
- 71. Re: AP as viewed from 4th place (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 11:53:47 -0500
- On another note, I notice all 3 protests in AP this year originated from Dallas AP drivers. Coincidence?? G
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00896.html (6,499 bytes)
- 72. Re: AP as viewed from 4th place (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 11:55:18 -0500
- On another note, I notice all 3 protests in AP this year originated from Dallas AP drivers. Coincidence?? G
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00898.html (6,491 bytes)
- 73. Re: AP as viewed from fourth place (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 16:37:46 -0500
- Because FP in it's original state was Mazda RX-7, Nissan/Datsun Z cars, Fiero, TVR, etc. All the grey/black market cars, kit cars, & exotics are slated for AP. Give FP it's rightful place for the ro
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00973.html (9,728 bytes)
- 74. Re: AP as viewed from fourth place (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 17:56:43 -0500
- The BMW wasn't multiple seconds ahead of everybody, either!! It is just a good FP car - well driven, I might add, from what I have heard. Isn't that what this sport is all about?? Not who has access
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg00987.html (10,425 bytes)
- 75. Re: Fehn/Butler hyperloud RX-7 (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 19:55:01 -0500
- How legal is "hyperloud", I wonder? Used to be there was a number attached to the noise levels, but now it at the discretion of the event Chairman. Wish they would give us SOME kind of standards to g
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg01145.html (8,455 bytes)
- 76. Re: Fehn/Butler hyperloud RX-7 (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 20:31:41 -0500
- My rulebook is in the trailer (with the car - I took it to the drags Friday nite and was in a car show Sat.). Could somebody reference the noise levels in the rules?
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg01151.html (7,899 bytes)
- 77. Re: Fehn/Butler hyperloud RX-7 (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 06:04:23 -0500
- Rocky and List I disagree. And I will tell you why I feel "Discretionary" is xot a valid rule. The owners of a loud car, let's say a gray RX-7 for example, travels - - oh let's say from Texas to Kans
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg01232.html (10,644 bytes)
- 78. Re: Fehn/Butler hyperloud RX-7 (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 06:12:57 -0500
- Even though these cars are "way cool", try gridding in the next spot for an entire weekend, or two full days at the Nationals. It is frustrating, not to mention painful. G ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ been ~~~~~~
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg01233.html (8,393 bytes)
- 79. Re: Fehn/Butler hyperloud RX-7 (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 19:02:39 -0500
- Maybe instead of a sound meter, we should measure in the pain factor?? :-) Anywhere near this car, and even with hands over ears, look at the expressions on peoples faces - 50 or even 100 feet away.
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg01294.html (9,977 bytes)
- 80. Fw: Fehn/Butler hyperloud RX-7 (score: 1)
- Author: "George Ryan" <quad4fiero@webzone.net>
- Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 19:39:36 -0500
- It seems that few others share my concerns - I am not going to persue it. I will let those that condone pain (and believe in S/M) have their way. :-) OK, now tell me - in the real world - who do I p
- /html/autox/1999-09/msg01301.html (10,350 bytes)
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