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References: [ 3 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. Re:transport of 2000 body shell (score: 1)
Author: Mike Sharp <>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 07:28:27 -0700
Jonmac has already covered what the factory did and there is absolutely nothing I can add to that. I'm going to guess that Derek is asking about how the body was supported before the suspension was
/html/2000-register/2003-09/msg00003.html (8,341 bytes)

2. Re: hello (score: 1)
Author: Mike Sharp <>
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 13:21:39 -0800
because my restoration has stalled while I wait for my body-man to make some progress... incredibly tallented guy, but definately an "artist" that can't be rushed. because you have some burning 2000
/html/2000-register/2001-02/msg00007.html (7,532 bytes)

3. blown head gasket. :-( (score: 1)
Author: Mike Sharp <>
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 07:29:24 -0800
Hi guys, OK, you wanted traffic... This is actually a problem with my early MK1 GT6 engine. Since in this area the engine design is identical to the 2000 MK1 I thought I'd ask here first. I've had a
/html/2000-register/2001-02/msg00009.html (8,395 bytes)

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