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Re: [WPTA] George Yonker Memorial Tour & Car Show @ Krepps Covered Bridg

To: "'Barry Martin'" <barrym56@icloud.com>, <wpta@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [WPTA] George Yonker Memorial Tour & Car Show @ Krepps Covered Bridge......update
From: abcoz--- via Wpta <wpta@autox.team.net>
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2022 20:20:24 -0400
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The Iron Butt version takes 2 hours and 40 minutes to run, so =
I=E2=80=99d say between 9 and 10 would be fine.  Probably closer to 9 =
would be best.  Earlier, if you like.




From: Barry Martin <barrym56@icloud.com>=20
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2022 6:42 PM
To: abcoz@hky.com
Subject: Re: [WPTA] George Yonker Memorial Tour & Car Show @ Krepps =
Covered Bridge......update



For the iron but, what time do you suggest leaving your place?


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 17, 2022, at 3:36 PM, abcoz--- via Wpta <wpta@autox.team.net =


For those of you not wanting to do the driving tour, but still wanting =
to show your appreciation of George, You can just go to Krepps Covered =
Bridge, in Mt. Pleasant Township, on Covered Bridge Road.  Google Maps =
will take you there.  You can arrive & register for the car show (no =
charge, BTW) anytime after 9:30, Sunday morning.  I don=E2=80=99t know =
when registration closes, but I=E2=80=99m sure you will be welcomed with =
open arms, whenever you arrive.


For those hardy souls planning to do some DRIVING, tomorrow morning, =
here is the latest:


1.      PADOT has been VERY busy, in Washington County, for the past many =
weeks and, in particular, in Mt. Pleasant Twp.  So, although most roads =
that have been oiled & chipped are just fine to drive our cars on, by =
now, be advised that the road I live on (and which you will have to =
drive on, to get to registration) was just done this past Thursday.  =
It=E2=80=99s really not a problem, provided you are not in a hurry.
2.      To avoid most of the oil & chips, if you are coming from Bridgeville =
(via route 50), or Canonsburg (via 980, to 50), drive past the first =
turn onto Southview Road and go to the next turn, onto Southview Road, =
about 2.5 mile farther west, on route 50.  Then, you will only have a =
=C2=BD mile of slow running, to get over the oil & chips.
3.      Leaving the start of the tour, the 92 mile tour route turns left, =
leaving my driveway and goes 1/3 of a mile, before turning onto freshly =
PAVED (zero gravel/oil & chips!) Baker Road.
4.      The 64 mile route turns left, out of my driveway and goes back to =
route 50, into Hickory.  If you=E2=80=99d rather avoid the oil & chips, =
on Southview Road and a short stretch of them, on Wabash Ave. (total =
distance of well under one mile), in Hickory, we can easily do that.  =
Just ask me, when you get here and I=E2=80=99ll hook you up.


This morning, I finally finished the odometer check, on the 92 mile =
route and the roads are in great shape.  Both routes use some of the =
same roads and I promise you that you will not be disappointed with the =
roads, or the great scenery, particularly on a sunny day and viewed from =
the many ridges you=E2=80=99ll be travelling along.


Let=E2=80=99s have a STRONG showing for George!




Archive: http://www.team.net/archive

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link=3D"#0563C1" vlink=3D"#954F72" style=3D'word-wrap:break-word'><div =
class=3DWordSection1><p class=3DMsoNormal>The Iron Butt version takes 2 =
hours and 40 minutes to run, so I=E2=80=99d say between 9 and 10 would =
be fine.=C2=A0 Probably closer to 9 would be best.=C2=A0 Earlier, if you =
like.<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>Bud<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><div><div =
style=3D'border:none;border-top:solid #E1E1E1 1.0pt;padding:3.0pt 0in =
0in 0in'><p class=3DMsoNormal><b>From:</b> Barry Martin =
&lt;barrym56@icloud.com&gt; <br><b>Sent:</b> Saturday, September 17, =
2022 6:42 PM<br><b>To:</b> abcoz@hky.com<br><b>Subject:</b> Re: [WPTA] =
George Yonker Memorial Tour &amp; Car Show @ Krepps Covered =
Bridge......update<o:p></o:p></p></div></div><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>Bud,<o:p></o:p></p><div><p class=3DMsoNormal>For the =
iron but, what time do you suggest leaving your =
place?<o:p></o:p></p></div><div><p class=3DMsoNormal =
style=3D'margin-bottom:12.0pt'>Barry&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></p><div><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>Sent from my iPhone<o:p></o:p></p></div><div><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><br><br><o:p></o:p></p><blockquote =
style=3D'margin-top:5.0pt;margin-bottom:5.0pt'><p class=3DMsoNormal =
style=3D'margin-bottom:12.0pt'>On Sep 17, 2022, at 3:36 PM, abcoz--- via =
Wpta &lt;<a =
href=3D"mailto:wpta@autox.team.net";>wpta@autox.team.net</a>&gt; =
wrote:<o:p></o:p></p></blockquote></div><blockquote =
style=3D'margin-top:5.0pt;margin-bottom:5.0pt'><div><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>=EF=BB=BF<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>For those =
of you not wanting to do the driving tour, but still wanting to show =
your appreciation of George, You can just go to Krepps Covered Bridge, =
in Mt. Pleasant Township, on Covered Bridge Road.&nbsp; Google Maps will =
take you there.&nbsp; You can arrive &amp; register for the car show (no =
charge, BTW) anytime after 9:30, Sunday morning.&nbsp; I don=E2=80=99t =
know when registration closes, but I=E2=80=99m sure you will be welcomed =
with open arms, whenever you arrive.<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>For those =
hardy souls planning to do some DRIVING, tomorrow morning, here is the =
latest:<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></p><ol =
style=3D'margin-top:0in' start=3D1 type=3D1><li class=3DMsoListParagraph =
style=3D'margin-left:0in;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo3'>PADOT has been VERY =
busy, in Washington County, for the past many weeks and, in particular, =
in Mt. Pleasant Twp.&nbsp; So, although most roads that have been oiled =
&amp; chipped are just fine to drive our cars on, by now, be advised =
that the road I live on (and which you will have to drive on, to get to =
registration) was just done this past Thursday.&nbsp; It=E2=80=99s =
really not a problem, provided you are not in a =
hurry.<o:p></o:p></li><li class=3DMsoListParagraph =
style=3D'margin-left:0in;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo3'>To avoid most of the =
oil &amp; chips, if you are coming from Bridgeville (via route 50), or =
Canonsburg (via 980, to 50), drive past the first turn onto Southview =
Road and go to the next turn, onto Southview Road, about 2.5 mile =
farther west, on route 50.&nbsp; Then, you will only have a =C2=BD mile =
of slow running, to get over the oil &amp; chips.<o:p></o:p></li><li =
class=3DMsoListParagraph style=3D'margin-left:0in;mso-list:l0 level1 =
lfo3'>Leaving the start of the tour, the 92 mile tour route turns left, =
leaving my driveway and goes 1/3 of a mile, before turning onto freshly =
PAVED (zero gravel/oil &amp; chips!) Baker Road.<o:p></o:p></li><li =
class=3DMsoListParagraph style=3D'margin-left:0in;mso-list:l0 level1 =
lfo3'>The 64 mile route turns left, out of my driveway and goes back to =
route 50, into Hickory.&nbsp; If you=E2=80=99d rather avoid the oil =
&amp; chips, on Southview Road and a short stretch of them, on Wabash =
Ave. (total distance of well under one mile), in Hickory, we can easily =
do that.&nbsp; Just ask me, when you get here and I=E2=80=99ll hook you =
up.<o:p></o:p></li></ol><p class=3DMsoNormal>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>This morning, I finally finished the odometer check, =
on the 92 mile route and the roads are in great shape.&nbsp; Both routes =
use some of the same roads and I promise you that you will not be =
disappointed with the roads, or the great scenery, particularly on a =
sunny day and viewed from the many ridges you=E2=80=99ll be travelling =
along.<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>Let=E2=80=99s have a STRONG showing for =
George!<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal =
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