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RE: VTR Site Restricted

To: "Blake J. Discher" <bdischer@blakedischer.com>
Subject: RE: VTR Site Restricted
From: "Randall" <tr3driver@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 22:42:07 -0700
Cc: <vtr@autox.team.net>, <triumphs@autox.team.net>
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: "Randall" <tr3driver@comcast.net>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
Blake Discher wrote :

> Hi Randall...  I'm not exactly sure what you are asking.  If you are asking
> if I personally plan to resign from the Auto-X list because of a VTR issue,
> I respectfully answer no.

Well, you said that people getting information for free was "unfair" and I
assume you wouldn't want to be part of any unfairness ... on either side ...

>  The decision to restrict access to the
> Maintenance Handbook portion of the VTR site to members was made by the VTR
> board, a decision I supported although I was not a board member at the
> time.

You certainly presented it as your idea ... I doubt anyone else "felt very
strongly" and "urged the board" ...

>  Hey Randall, as webmaster and now VP of Member Services for VTR, I
> just answered Bob Danielson's question for VTR, don't shoot the
> messenger.

Ok, tell me whose idea it was and I'll shoot them instead.

>  But I anticipated, and was prepared for, the comments with the
> hope that they would be respectful in nature.

Sorry to disappoint you.  Respect has to be earned, and VTR hasn't been doing
such a wonderful job lately.

>  I assume you think it was a
> bonehead decision, offer something beyond a tongue in cheek comment and we
> can have a dialogue.

No need, I've had my say.  No wait, there's more :

The worldwide Triumph community is inevitably shrinking as time goes on.  We've
had a brief renaissance the last 10 years or so, due to the Internet, but it's
starting to fade.  Driving additional wedges into the Triumph community cannot
be a good thing.

One last question ... if you really think it's "unfair", why did you personally
direct Andrew S. (a non-member) to the VTR maintenance pages just 3 days before
they went private ?


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