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Triumph Herald Progress!

To: "Triumph List" <triumphs@autox.team.net>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <vtr@autox.team.net>
Subject: Triumph Herald Progress!
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@home.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 00:46:48 -0400
Reply-to: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@home.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
Well, just in time for the opening of the VTR convention in Colorado, I can
finally announce the Herald main body rear section has been reattached(not
fully tightened yet- need to adjust things first) to the frame and canter
section! It is now looking much more like a car, and less like a bunch of tin
and parts. Now to complete POR-15ing the inside floor, and then to reattach
the doors, bonnet, and lower valance sections! Then to work on final prep and

I am hoping to update my website shortly- I have literally hundreds of pics to
cull through and add...

(Herald humming along towards humming along...lol)

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  • Triumph Herald Progress!, Scott A. Roberts <=