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Re: A TR6 evening drive

To: blueturtles@yahoo.com, vtr@autox.team.net, 6pack@autox.team.net, Triumphcars@yahoogroups.com, triumphs@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: A TR6 evening drive
From: Chip19474@aol.com
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 14:03:01 EDT
Reply-to: Chip19474@aol.com
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
In a message dated 01-08-13 23:14:20 EDT, blueturtles@yahoo.com writes:

<<  The
 buggy full of young amish boys told us "nice car" as
 they clip-clopped off down the road.  Maybe we should
 of told them "nice horse".  Driving out in our neck of
 the woods, you always need to keep you eyes peeled for
 "road apples"... don't want to bring that smell back
 to civilization! >>

Susan & Jon,

Sure.....they'd love a compliment on their horse!  Our most favorite drives 
"in the country" are roughly 40 miles west from home to Amish country in 
Lancaster County, PA where we simply try to get lost each time we drive out 
stumbling through small villages, past the buggies, the farms, etc.  They're 
haven't been many trips without a stop to at least 2 or 3 veggie stands 
whereupon the little Spit gets admiring glances and my wife and I return the 
favor but striking up a conversation about how great the barn looks, or the 
how good the cattle look.....of course it's best to plan your trip back home 
before dark because the only light you'll see other than moonlight is from 
coleman or propane lamps:)

I hope the Amish culture lives on forever....it's getting tougher and tougher 
to keep "english" (not to be confused with British "English") influences from 
eroding their beliefs and values.....enjoy your trips and these great 


Chip Krout
'76 TR6 CF57822U (complete rolling chassis finished - busy painting various 
interior parts, assembling the engine and still doing body prep - check out 
my progress by visiting http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1270980)
'70 Spit Mk3  FDU78512L (enjoying the summer)

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