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2001 VTR event questions... long.

To: triumphs@autox.team.net, spitfires@autox.team.net, 2000-register@autox.team.net, vtr@autox.team.net, jonmac@ndirect.co.uk
Subject: 2001 VTR event questions... long.
From: "Michael D. Porter" <mporter@zianet.com>
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 04:18:09 -0700
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Reply-to: "Michael D. Porter" <mporter@zianet.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
Unbeknownst to most list members, I started, shortly after the
conclusion of the 2000 convention, to cajole, wheedle or, in some way,
otherwise coerce John Macartney to attend the 2001 event, for the
primary purpose of yakking with those of us across the pond, and
possibly to speak, informally, on Standard-Triumph history and offer a
few anecdotes about life in and around the factories and the showrooms.

About a month ago, John told me he simply could not attend, much as he
wished, due to ongoing medical problems. With that news, I suggested
that we try to arrange a video link during the convention, offered that
to the sponsoring club, RMTC, which was, reasonably, argued against on
the basis of costs, were a good satellite link to be obtained.

At the same time, John thought it might be worthwhile investigating the
possibility of providing an informally produced video of BMIHT's
Standard and Triumph holdings, along with his own inimitable narrative
and some peeks into the documentation rooms and perhaps, the restoration
shops. This, too, was nixed by BMIHT. Their position seems to be, at
this moment, that any such production would have to be professionally
produced, and there is no budget for such, and it is likely that the
production costs (upwards of #7000) could not be recouped by sales of
the video.

Given those setbacks, I suggested to John that his computer could be
fitted with a web cam for not much money, and that I could simply bring
a laptop with a cam to the event (determined that John should appear,
virtually or otherwise <smile>), and on an afternoon with no crucial
events, I could simply invite list members up to the room, where they
could chat with John and ask him any questions they might have in mind,
or just trade tall tales and lies, as circumstance dictated. <smile>
While the video would be slow through the phone lines, it would be
better than nothing. 

The current problem with this proposal is that John did some
investigation into what it would require to install video on his
existing computer, and the cost is probably excessive. So, if any UK
members have some suggestions for John along the lines of low-cost,
efficacious equipment, or other possibilities, please respond to him and
to me.

John also suggested that he might be able to provide a home-made video,
of the old and current factory sites, a little of the exteriors of
Coventry and, perhaps, some idle ramblings and some views of his current
object of desire, Canley Girl, so long as he could recoup some or most
of the costs of production and editing through sales of videos; John
says he knows someone who might be willing to help with editing if the
time involved is not too dear, so the cost for each copy would not be

Having said all this, I suppose I'm querying the various lists for
suggestions, technical and otherwise, and for support. John and I have
had many email conversations on the means by which individuals and
groups in the UK, the US and the rest of the world can communicate more
fully with each other, and establish stronger ties, and I feel that
John's presence (whether virtually, or in person) at a national US
Triumph event, would greatly strengthen those ties.

Cheers, all. 


Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM
[mailto: mporter@zianet.com]

`70 GT6+ (being refurbished, slowly)
`71 GT6 Mk. III (organ donor)
`72 GT6 Mk. III (daily driver)
`64 TR4 (awaiting intensive care)
`80 TR7 (3.8 liter Buick-powered)

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