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Re: VTR 2000 Portland, OR, Convention Registration Forms

To: Vintage Triumph Register general list <vtr@autox.team.net>, VTR Chapters and Zones <vtr-chapters@autox.team.net>, Scions of Stanpart <triumphs@autox.team.net>, Scions of the Spitfire <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: VTR 2000 Portland, OR, Convention Registration Forms
From: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 14:50:11 -0400 ()
Cc: Bruce Harding <britauto@europa.com>, Ray & Dortha <raymarty@teleport.com>
In-reply-to: <Pine.WNT.3.95.1000417155351.-3864497I-100000@win2431.nysed.gov>
Reply-to: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
As many of you already know, an error in production resulted in
registration forms for the VTR National Convention in Portland, OR,
(August 2-6, 2000; see <http://www.vtr.org/conventions/vtr2000/>) not
being included as planned in the mailing envelope for _The Vintage
Triumph_ magazine, issue #74, along with the poster announcing the

The registration forms have been found and will be mailed (along with a
photocopy of the flyer) First Class Mail to all VTR members as soon as

On behalf of our publisher, we apologize for any inconvenience, and we
hope to see all of you in Portland!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Andrew Mace, President and                *
*   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
* Vintage Triumph Register <www.vtr.org>    *
* amace@unix2.nysed.gov                     *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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