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Re: Concours and safety-related modifications

To: Andrew Mace <amace@unix2.nysed.gov>, "Michael D. Porter" <mporter@zianet.com>
Subject: Re: Concours and safety-related modifications
From: "R. John Lye" <rjl6n@server1.mail.virginia.edu>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 13:32:15 -0500
Cc: vtr@autox.team.net
In-reply-to: <Pine.WNT.3.95.1000112112056.-3705335A-100000@win2431.nysed.gov>
References: <387C34AF.C28BE26D@zianet.com>
Reply-to: "R. John Lye" <rjl6n@server1.mail.virginia.edu>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
I have not seen the original letter, so I am mostly responding to
Andy's interpretation here and hopethat I've gotten the gist of
the original letter.  [I have removed the triumphs list as a
recipient since this is, in fact, a VTR specific matter.]

I'd like to make several points:

1. I agree with Andy that our Triumphs are not inherently unsafe.
In my opinion, safety comes from good driving, not from surrounding
one's self with more and more mass.  I drive my (mostly stock) GT-6
routinely without any fear that my gas tank is going to explode.  I
used to commute 40 miles each way in my TR-3, with no worries about
my safety.  I'll stop  my rant there, those of you who know me will
be glad of that, I'm sure.

2. We see this sort of question quite often in the autocross world.
On Team.Net, there is even a name for this syndrome; it is called the
"I" class for: "I did this (modified my car) but I don't want to
accept the consequences (move to another class), so change the rules
to give me a class where *I* can win."  Sorry, stock is stock and
should stay that way, in my opinion.  If you want to modify your car
(as I do - none of my Triumphs is completely stock), then realize 
that there is a place for you to compete, but it is not in the stock
class.  Either go to the People's choice class or to the Modified or
Race Prepared classes.  As far as I'm concerned, the Concours rules
are fine as they are.

I'll stop there, I guess,

John Lye

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